Monday, April 15, 2024

Doctor day

I didn't get time to get a blog post off this morning, before I had to leave for my mammogram and dr appt in the city. Nice day for a drive. It was nice yesterday - until it wasn't! After dinner it started getting dark sky, then thunder and lightning and a downpour of rain. We were up in the bonus room, playing pool, and it was quite loud and just pouring rain outside.

I got to the city and first stopped at my bank, across the street from my dr office. Then I went over to the dr office and told the lady at the desk I have 2 appointments to check in for. First for the mammogram and 10:30 and then my dr appt at 11:20. She told me she'd check me in for the mammogram and when I was done to come back up to the desk to check in for the dr. appt.  I wait a little bit to be called back for the mammogram and then when I'm done go back up to check in for the next appointment. With the same girl (they were not busy there) and she asks me the same you still live at....? I said yes, same address as 25 minutes ago! LOL.

At my dr appointment I finally got the singles vax taken care of. I've been meaning to do that for several years and just never took the time to get to a pharmacy to get it done, but she said they do it there now. I do have to go back for a nurses visit in 6 weeks, for the 2nd shot for it. Then I had to wait a few minutes to get into the lab and have that done. I'm hoping my mammogram comes back normal this time and don't have to go back for more, like last year (and the subsequent cyst aspiration).

Then I went to the grocery store that has the frozen hamburger patties dh likes. I also picked him up some cereal he asked for, that I forgot to put on the Walmart order. When I got back to my car I called Costco to see if my glasses got in. Nope. On the way leaving that store I had to pass by the entrance into Costco. I thought maybe I'll swing in anyway and continue to look around. It's Monday - it can't be too crowded. Wrong! It was more crowded than both the Saturday we were there. I told myself never mind, I still have to go back at some point when my glasses are in. I'll try again then. Maybe an evening, after dinner?

I had taken a half of a pbj sandwich with me, that I ate after the dr appts, so that held me over and kept me from buying a candy bar at the store. I took a nap for about an hour, awhile after I got home. My arm where I got the shingles shot is really sore. But, I'll be glad to never get the shingles. Both my boss and half sister had that in recent years and it sounded miserable.

When I was napping dh heated up a corndog in the microwave (he already had lunch earlier) so I'm hoping maybe this will be another night of a light, easy dinner, since he won't be very hungry now.


  1. The shingles vaccine is only 50% effective. However, after I had the vaccine, I did have shingles. I went to doctor and he said I had a very mild case. It was on and in my ear, side of my face and in my hair. It hurt so bad! There was no eruption or infection, just spots of horrid pain. I felt lucky to have had the vaccine.


  2. The current 2 dose shingles vaccine, Shingrix, is much more effective, about 90% or more, than the older one was.

    1. This is my understanding is well :) (but my arm is still sore, LOL)
