Saturday, April 20, 2024

Saturday up and at 'em

When I was a little kid my mom used to wake me up and say "up and at 'em". I always thought she was saying "Up and Adam", LOL. 

While not super warm out yesterday, it was very sunny and the lawn needs mowed already. Mr. Neighbor had done his the day or two before, so dh got out there in the afternoon and mowed. He tried a bit different tactic this time. There are spots he can't get the riding mower to, so he has to use the push mower. He's always done the push mower first, then the riding. He realized he's probably been doing more area with the push mower than he really needs to be, so this time he did the riding mower first, got a little more area covered and then had less to do with the push mower.

Last night for dinner we tried the orange chicken we had bought from the frozen section at Costco. It was delicious. I made rice to go with it and we both really liked it. The box has 2 bags of chicken (and 2 packages of sauce), but a half a bag was plenty for the 2 of us, so we will get 4 meals out of the box that cost $16.49. I took the other half of the opened bag of sauce and stored it in a little glass container in the fridge. I'm sure we will have it again soon.  

So, far so good with the internet and hopefully we will not be having anymore issues anytime soon. 

I tried to get this post finished before I wanted to leave for Costco, but that didn't happen. Costco at 9:30 was not as crowded as last Saturday at the same time. After picking up my new glasses I took some more time to shop/look around and oops there goes another $100 LOL. At least this time I remember to use my $40 certificate towards it. I didn't even have to wait in line to pay, but there were lots of people coming in when I was going out and coming in the parking lot, it was pretty full by then. 

I got a few new foods to try. The rotisserie chicken, some chicken penna pasta (fresh), shrimp, and some ramen bowls with chicken and veggies (dd recommended to try). I even got gas at Costco, as I left. Look at me all a Costco fan now, LOL.

DH is out spraying some grass killer along the fence line. I'm heading out to pull out the dried old leaves from all the daylilies. The new green is coming up and last years dead leaves are really easy to pull out now. I just need to find where I put my garden gloves.


  1. My son and dil love that orange chicken. My other son likes a shrimp fried rice from there. They both go on sale a couple times a year. They also both like the frozen pizzas.I don’t buy much frozen stuff from Costco, but I do like the salmon and the shrimp. I especially like the Cajun salmon cooked in the air fryer. Oh, and the pub style halibut is delicious. I mostly just buy stuff when it’s sale, but I do have a few favorites that don’t go on sale that I always buy. I buy the fresh chicken breasts and thighs. They are really good quality compared to Safeway and wm, which we don’t like. I just got my cash back for my executive membership so I will likely buy some of our expensive favorites next trip lol. We will be near a Costco tomorrow so I might brave the Sunday crowds.


    1. As we find things we like, I will have to watch now for sales and buy then. Does Costco still put out that monthly coupon book? I remember when I had a membership before, I'd get one in the mail each month.

    2. Yes they still mail it. You can also google unadvertised Costco deals for April and there’s a lady out of Seattle who lists them. They usually apply to the Montana stores, but not always. I think her website is frugal hot Oh, and it’s the blackened salmon like, not Cajun. Also if you like fish sticks the ones Costco carries are really good. They are actual fish. I haven’t bought them in a couple years. They were just on sale but I didn’t make it to Costco.

    3. thanks for the website info, I will check that site out

  2. I like the frozen salmon Pattie’s. I cook them in a frying pan and add frozen vegetables for a super fast dinner. Every time you stop there you will find a new bargain. Their sheet sets are also a great deal.

    1. I'll have to check the salmon, we do like to eat that every so often

  3. I would have thought that mowing with ride on first would end up with less manual mowing. So, this will be his usual way of mowing now?
    It seems every store or type of store has a sweet spot for shopping when there are less people. How are the glasses? What kind of coating did you put on them?

    1. It sounds like it will be his new way to mow, a few less steps each time. I can't remember all what I got for my lenses. I think they called it an anti-reflective coating. I also have thick lenses so the edges are polished, as well. They seem better, with the new prescription - especially for reading and looking at the computer.

  4. We get the monthly coupon book :)! They do have a lot of stuff but sometimes, you go there and it has disappeared! I may be going there today to pick up some stuff - we have no lunch for the week!
