Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Tuesday tidbits

The delivery guys from Lowes (they need 3 of them?) showed up around 9am yesterday, with the new upright freezer. We've let it get cold overnight and will fill it up today. It really looks nice and big inside - the shelves are so deep. I think I'm really going to like it much better than the chest freezer. 

I'm not getting very far with my post this morning. It's almost noon, already. I was emailing this morning, before work and then it was suddenly time to log into work and I've been busy. And I'm listening to chain sawing. DAN is back at it. Clearing, noise and construction is completely understandable - but all the work that needs to be done to get his site work done - literally should've taken 5 days max. He spent weeks/months at it last year. We annoyed our neighbors clearing our site for building for 2 days. Hired a guy who had the right size equipment to do the job AND knew what he was doing, LOL. I think we got billed for 14 hours. Then when the other guy came in to dig our foundations, same thing, 2-3 days done and gone/noise done. Our neighbors down at the end of the street did it the same way when they built. We thought he had a helper today, no it's his 80 year old wife running the little mini piece of equipment. All I think of is my mom trying to do that 3 years ago (if she didn't have Alzheimers) and nope, I can't picture it, LOL.

My desk is getting messy and cluttery again. Time to straighten up. It is the one area I can never seem to stay on top of. But, I am catching myself with it sooner, so it's not getting as bad now. An improvement, I guess. Ok, that was a quick few minutes and my desk is clean again. A few papers into the garbage, some onto the shred pile (still on top of the shredder to be shredded) and a couple of things filed. I have one little stack of misc mail to go through and make a decision on. Keep or toss...or rather take care of now or toss.

I guess that's all for today. 


  1. I saw a video where two men managed to drop a freezer down steps. Maybe they saw that video. I love my upright. If I had gotten a chest, my back, hips, wrists and shoulders would suffer.

    I am 77 and doubt I would be running equipment. The vibrations are tiring! Outdoors in cold, wind, and dust...not something I could tolerate. Unless she has him under control, I would not expect him to be easy to get along with for long. He must have lots of money. Or, she has low self-esteem.

    I had someone declutter my table next to me and actually clean the top. Three days later I am struggling to keep it uncluttered! Understand!

    1. I'm sure he is not easy to get a long with. I think if he had lots of money, he would have built this "house" he wants to build 2 1/2 years ago, LOL. In the beginning when we first met them, he said they had to sell their other house first.

  2. I keep hoping he won't return! You will definitely love the upright freezer. Ours is great, the only issue is that we have to defrost it every summer but it's an older model so didn't come with that capability.

    1. I am really excited that this is a frost free freezer :)

  3. DAN's wife is 80?!? How old is he? I never imagined in reading about him that he would be that old. In my mind's eye, he's about 60 or 65, lol.

    The one place in my house that I can never seem to keep under control is the spare bedroom where the grands' clothing is. I try to keep play clothes, pajamas, and church clothes readily available.

  4. Just a suggestion, you may want to get some wire baskets to help organize your new upright freezer. The deep shelves made me think of our upright that we had, and you can still lose things in the back of them, like a chest, but maybe not quite as bad, depending on what it is. Ranee (MN)
