Friday, April 12, 2024

A slow day

My internet is slow again this morning. It happened a few days ago, but not quite as bad and didn't last too long. Now again this morning. So far it's been a 1/2 hour of it. And each time it's been in the morning. It's getting annoying. I did do a reset of the wifi, but no change. Hopefully by the time I log into work, it will be back to normal speed.

I woke up to rain. No rain in the forecast, LOL. Amos tried to go outside, but wanted right back in.  My 2nd pair of glasses are still not in. I should have known hoping to get in to pick them all up this week, along with a grocery order was too much to expect. Here it is Friday. My other pair (and dh's) came in last Friday. Now I keep getting texts and recorded calls reminding me to pick them up. Not sure why dh's notifications are texts (to my phone, because we just put my #) and the notification for my glasses is a recorded call and not a text. 

The chicken continued to improve yesterday. She seemed pretty much normal all day. I was at the back door just before 8:30 watching out the window to see when the other hen would go up into the roost and to see if she would follow. Gladys went up. Rather than use the ramp to go in the small door, she just flaps her wings and hops up in through the bigger door. Then a few seconds later the sick one tried to flap her wings but she didn't get too far off the ground. Still not enough energy/strength for that, so I walked out and lifted her up. But at least it was a good sign she wanted to go up in there, compared to the previous nights. I still can't believe she has made it, so far, and the white hen just got sick just as fast and was gone in 24 hours.

I ended up spending probably a total of 3 hours with someone from our IT group working on my computer. I really don't think he has a clue what he is doing. At the end of yesterday, he said he'll contact me again today to keep working on it. I'm about to tell him I don't have time to be down that long today. I'm off on Monday. If he's still trying to fix it at the end of today and needs Monday as well, I'm hoping he has a way on his end to just log in and work on it. I may ask him that today - if he can just wait until Monday and work on it, without me sitting there for hours. He occasionally will message me a question, so that's why I have to sit there. 

Well, this very slow internet speed is very annoying and I guess mostly annoying because I don't know why and when I called our provider that first time, they had no idea why, either, until finally it just started working right again. 

I'm posting this and then trying a reset again, before I log into work.


  1. A friend sent me a link to a story on the Bozeman new last nite. Thought you might be interested.


    1. Funny - last summer my dh discovered the same exact thing. Looked up his properties on Cadastral and said that is complete BS! It's all rigged

    2. It’s just wrong that he can claim his land is Bozeman is used to agriculture. He also said he was “donating” that house in Helena to the state, now it’s for sale for 2 million dollars, yet the tax value is 700,000?
      The schools in Bozeman are broke. The grade schools have declining enrollment. Why? Because a house costs a million plus dollars and they don’t have young families that can afford that. I’m not sure who they think is going to serve all these rich people in restaurants or ring their stuff up at Whole Foods because those people can’t afford to live there. My dd has a friend who’s a nurse. She lived in Bozeman. She couldn’t afford to buy a house so she got a different job, moved, and was able to afford a house. Gianforte isn’t the solution. He’s part of the problem. I don’t understand why any of this ok.


    3. we had read that he "bought" that house to live in, since the governor's mansion is being repaired. I said to dh, oh you can bet the tax payers are probably really paying for it. I'm sure he's getting reimbursed as "rent" to live there, since he can't live for free at gov mansion. Then I read that he's donating it back. Now it's for sale? Wait....the assessor told me they had to value everything at current market prices, so that's why our house went up if Gianforte's house market price is 2 million, it should be taxed at that. Oh, and dh looked up that house online and saw the ad before Gianforte bought it....nicer than my house, in a much higher priced part of the state and my house is almost 30$ higher than that house?! Give me a break! Oh, you've got me started again on it now, LOL.

    4. I typo'd - I meant to say my house was valued at almost 30% higher than his house. I did get it down some in the appeal, but it's still ridiculous.

    5. Diane - here's one for you. DH's brother owns 2 20 acre lots just outside of Helena. This "subdivision" of vacation cabins/homes has access to a lake and a community boat launch and docking facilities. One of the 20 acres he has a cabin on. The other 20 acres doesn't have any building. What do you think he could sell that 20 acres for? A lot, I'm sure. Want to know that assessed value? $1100. For 20 acres in a prime vacation home area, with lake access, while our 2 acres is assessed at $150,000 - and really we only have about 1.25 acres of usable property. We can't do anything with the river bank part of the land.

    6. Funny how the governors mansion was good enough for all the other governors, but not up to the standards of those people. I don’t doubt it needs work, but was it really unlivable.

      My god, $1100 for 20 acres??? Yeah right. My Ds and dil, and her family, have been casually looking for property at canyon ferry. Let’s just say $1100 wouldn’t buy the mail box in that area lol. Holter and hauser aren’t any cheaper for lakefront.

      I really wish the news around the state would be covering this shady administration better than they are. It’s like they are all scared of him. And maybe they should be.

    7. I had asked the assessor how 20 acres of prime property could be valued at $1100. His answer was because 20 acre parcels are given a special rate. So, then dh asked him ok...then why is the 20 acre lot up for sale on the mountain next to us, valued at $50,000? He couldn't answer that.

  2. Helena is the second highest area for real estate prices being over-valued. Bozeman is first of course. My dd was looking to move to helena briefly, but couldn’t find a house she liked in the area and price range she wanted to be in. Now I guess she’s decided on Spokane. She wants to live in a city with more options, and ideally she’d like to stay in Montana, but even though she makes over $100,000 a year, and would have $150,000 for a down payment, she’s pretty much priced out of the market for houses in cities that she’d consider, so she’s leaving the state. Sad to see what’s happened to the state.


    1. That's really sad. There is no way I'd live in Spokane. It's really turned into like Seattle and Portland, as well. Lots of drugs and crime now.

    2. I know. We’ve told her. But the same can be said about Billings right here in MT. There are so many shootings there anymore. We lived in Billings and it wasn’t like that when we left. Drugs and crime are everywhere, even here, but we don’t have violent crime-yet anyway. Bozeman’s crime rate is higher too.

    3. DH has a good friend that has lived in Billings for about 20 years now and yes it's gotten bad. That's where my son ended up for that year or so - it was a bad place for him to be, that's for sure. (and that was like 8-9 years ago)

  3. I recently got four new pairs of glasses at Costco (had to spend $500 from insurance before the end of the year). Our Costco is only a few miles from our house, so I went as soon as I was notified that two of the pairs were in. When I got there, they were all in! Have you tried calling them? Also, our internet tends to slow down a bit when it's rainy/foggy...

    1. I've called twice, just to make sure I didn't somehow miss their text or call on this pair, but they aren't in :(. I was wondering the same yesterday morning was rainy. I made a note of the day and time and length of it being slow (basically down because it was .4 mpbs speed). This morning is really foggy, but it's working great.
