Sunday, April 14, 2024

Saturday shopping

You Costco shoppers need to explain this one to me, LOL. They supposedly opened at 9:30 on Saturday. My goal was to get there at 9:30, but well, of course dh is never ready to go on time anymore, so we got there at 9:36am. The parking lot was packed. People were already coming out of the store with their purchases. In being opened only 6 minutes? How? Still too crowded for me. We picked up our 3 out of 4 pair of glasses and then attempted to walk around and see what they have. Too many people to weave in and out of/carts. We, of course, found several items to put in our cart and of course the checkout was just over $100. I think I've heard that it's impossible to leave Costco without spending $100 LOL. I will say that the store brand "miralax", that dh uses, is half the price of the generic brand I buy from Amazon or Walmart, so that was a deal. They don't carry the bread or toilet paper brands we use. With the short amount of time we spent there, I was able to see somewhat what they had. I don't see myself shopping there a whole bunch, but it will be good for some bulk things. 

When annual flowers start being sold around here, I will check and see what they may have for hanging baskets. I'm guessing I could get some nice big ones (if they have those seasonally) for what I pay at Home Depot or Lowes. I also know I will be going back for sure at Christmas time for all the big outdoor wreaths I want.

Leaving the city was around 11am so we decided to grab lunch at Wendy's drive thru. Then dh asked if I wanted a Peanut Buster parfait from Dairy Queen (to make up for eating my donut the other day, LOL).  said sure. We pull in to the drive thru, dh says the order and the guy says "I'm sorry sir, but we are out of ice cream". DH laughs and says out of ice cream?! haha!". So, no PB Parfait for me :(

We had purchased a couple of frozen items at Costco - big boxes, of course. As we were putting those and our other frozen stuff in my chest freezer, dh said this freezer is kind of a pain, isn't it? I said yes, I now wish I would have gotten an upright instead. So, we talked a bit and decided we are going to get an upright and probably just try to sell the chest freezer. 

Then dh totally ruined his big shop door yesterday. He doesn't even really know how, but it wasn't working right, he was trying to fix it and had a 2x4 board he was trying to use to hold it up some while he worked on it. Then he laid the 2x4 down, but it was under the doorway area. The door (this door is HUGE and heavy and like 22 ft high) and came slamming down and the 2x4 was in the way and the bottom of the door is all bent up and it actually bent several of the panels all the way up to the windows. So, now we either have to see if that can be fixed or have to replace the whole dang door. gRRR! He's lucky he didn't get hurt.

It was a beautiful warm day yesterday and we get that again today. DH might even have to mow for the first time. The lawn has really grown and all green already. I'm sure after today's sunshine and 72 degrees, it's almost time. My chicken continues to do well and seems ok, other than, while she does go up into the roosting part at night, she still isn't getting up on the roosting bar, with the other hen. But other than that she seems good. She greets me at the door when I go out to see them or take a treat.

I plan to make a banana cream pie today. Yum. I haven't made one of those in awhile and they are dh's favorite pie. 

One of my store brand purchases was some chocolate cupcakes. DH eats the hostess cupcakes so I added a box of the store brand to try. He hasn't tried yet, but I tried one yesterday. Yuck. I can totally tell the difference and I know for sure he would. I can't quite describe the taste but it's that same taste as those Christmas cookies I made from the refrigerated cookie dough. I can't even describe the taste - but it's the same. 

I have tomorrow off work for my dr appointments. I hope my glasses get in and I can pick those up, as well. They seem to do their notifications at 3:25pm, but I won't be there that late, so the lady said to just call and check to see if they came in.


  1. We have a Costco right in our town so try very hard not to go there on the weekend, but I did have to go once recently. I got there early and there were already people coming out - the guy said they open when they're ready and especially try to open early on the weekends. My husband will go there for a gallon of milk because it's so much cheaper than the grocery store.

    1. I guess next time I want/need to go on a weekend, I'll get there early. I'm hoping I have some time to go in tomorrow and look around some more, after my dr appts. and hope it's not so busy on a Monday ;)

  2. We are weirdos who shop weekly at Costco. Fresh fruit and vegetables, dairy, eggs - for us it makes a huge difference on things we eat routinely and our warehouse is about a block away from our regular grocery store. Our bottom line for a less stressful experience: go on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday evenings for a positive crowd-controlled eperience.

    1. Years ago, I had a costco membership as a work perk and I got off work at 3:30 and would stop on my way home and there were hardly any shoppers there. I think we are going to have to figure out a time, LOL

    2. During the Seahawks games around here.

  3. I think if you have a business membership you can go into Costco an hour earlier than opening time for regular members so that might explain the people leaving within six minutes of opening. Also glad your dh is safe--garage doors are pretty heavy, we just don't realize it because of the big door spring which allows us to easily lift it up.

    1. I remember that when I had a membership years ago and I looked that up, but it says they no longer open early for business memberships?

  4. What's your banana cream pie recipe?

  5. The only time I was in a Costco was in NYC with my daughter. I was impressed with the escalator for grocery carts. An employee just rammed the cart onto the escalator and it was dragged upstairs while we took the people escalator up to our cart.
    I certainly hope you can get your glasses this trip.
    What do you pull into the garage that needs a 22' high door? I am glad he was not hurt.

  6. That's real shame about the garage door but thank goodness DH wasn't hurt!

  7. I thought I'd be safe late- after 6, on a Saturday at Sam's club. Nope, just as busy and no one had time to get carts in, so there was two way cart traffic.

  8. Weekends can be super busy - if you pop in during off times, like Mon to Thurs in the evening - it helps. Also, if yours is the only one in the area for a big radius- it will be more busy than not too. But still, once you can get in and out with a strict list - it's usually ok!
