Wednesday, April 24, 2024

IRS hell

I finally got time to work on calling the IRS about my mom's tax return yesterday afternoon. It's just the hell I imagined it would be. I call the number and extension that is given on the Where's My Refund page. Go through all the recorded messages and prompts to enter info and it then tells me to call the same number back, but a different extension. Call that number/ext and go through all the same thing and am then told the wait to talk to a representative is 15-30 min and to leave a call back number.

I get a call back in about 15 minutes with a guy who was totally unhelpful. He asked me if I am authorized to discuss her return. I had already explained the situation and that I mailed in the form 1310 back on March 16. I asked how do I get authorized? He then directed me back to form 1310 and said I need to send that in with her death certificate. I said I already sent it in, but I don't recall sending her death certificate with it. I then asked him, can't you just look up her account and see if I have been added? No, the system is down right now and he can't access that data. He told me to call back again and maybe a different representative would have access.

I look up the Form 1310 again, because I'm pretty sure I didn't send her death certificate with it. No, I didn't because it specifically says NOT to mail it in with the form. So, I call back again. Go through the recording and prompts and this time it says all representatives are busy please call back and give me the same phone number and extension and disconnects me. So, I call back AGAIN. Go through it all again and get to leave my callback number. A different lady calls me back and she was much more helpful. She was able to look up my mom's account/return and said it doesn't appear they have processed the Form 1310 yet and I'm not showing as authorized that they can discuss her return with me. She then instructed me to another form. Form 56, in which I state I am the fiduciary for her. She said once I get it filled out and along with a copy of her death certificate, the fastest way would be to call them back and they will give me a fax# to send it in to. So, this morning I called back and am now waiting for a return call. Wish me luck! LOL

My assistant guy has been doing well the past couple of months. He has been messaging me if he either can't work a day or even if he's going to work a different time then his typical 2-4 hour/day schedule he gave us. Well, this week he hasn't worked at all yet, so this morning I messaged my boss about it and she messaged him to ask.


  1. It's the neverending assistant saga. I am sure he has a "reason" ;)

    1. Oh yes, he does and it's a fine reason, but how hard would it have been to message one of us either last Friday or Monday morning to let us know.

    2. Unfortunately, your boss has allowed bad behaviour before and he gets away with it so he sees no need to try to be respectful at times :/ I am glad he is ok though.

  2. Ugh! Dealing with the IRS. No thank you!
    They have you at their mercy.
    Social Security is another bitch.
    Patience is all you need. Oh, and lots of time.
    Good luck;)

  3. I had the SAME EXACT EXPERIENCE with IRS for my mother's estate. Our CPA sent in the 1310 and death certificate in November 2021. During 2022-2023 we got multiple letters saying they received the return and revising the amount of the refund by small amounts. (this was not going to be a large refund...were were not talking about thousands of dollars) Each letter said to expect the refund in 6-8 weeks. Then nothing... In late 2023 we received another letter stating that they had never received the 1310 and Death Certificate. (They were in the same package as the return!) So I once again sent in the 1310 form and another death certificate. They mailed the death certificate back in a few weeks so I know they received it. Finally, we received the refund a few days ago and 2.5 years later! It was significantly higher amount than expected...go figure....

    1. That's crazy - and does not give me much hope :(

  4. I went through the same Hell today with insurance company and three issues with Medicare. I was totally exhausted and went to bed!
    Tomorrow, the same issues will exist, nothing solved, so I have been instructed who to call and what to say. I expect one is fraud.

    This guy will never learn to be responsible and will cry 'racism' when someone finally does not take his actions lightly. He has a really poor work ethic.
