Sunday, April 7, 2024

Weekend whatnot

I received an odd email this morning, from the phone company I had my mom's phone with. It said thanks for your payment. Your auto pay payment was received October 18, 2023. Ok....? LOL. I'll just take it as one of those signs mom is thinking about me up in heaven ;)

I've gotten notifications that 3 of the 4 eye glasses we ordered are in. The pair that is not in yet is my pair of regular glasses. So, both dh's regular and sunglasses are in and my sunglasses are in. It would have been convenient to be able to run in and get them all today. Oh well. Also strange that the notification that my sunglasses order was in came via a phone call recording and dh's came to my cell phone as a text. 

Yesterday I did 3 loads of laundry. I also made some of the quick, from the package, snickerdoodle cookies. Needed something sweet to snack on. For dinner I made a pizza. For some reason the past several times I have made it, it's not tasting the same or as good as it has for years. The dough seems off. I use the Rhodes frozen dinner rolls. That out 12 and then combine to flatten out for pizza dough. I've been making this for years. Now the dough doesn't seem to want to rise much as it gets thawed. I used to always take out the 12 rolls to thaw on a plate, covered in saran wrap, around 2pm and it would be perfectly ready around 5pm. Now they are thawed, but hardly risen. The cooked dough is not near as good anymore. It's disappointing as dh has always said this is the best pizza.

Our internet was super slow again when I got up this morning. Rather than spend any of my time trying to "fix" it, like I did for 2 hours last time. I just ignored it, LOL. Not too long after dh got up, it's back to working fine. I did do a reset, but at the time it didn't seem to make a difference.

I was really trying to make it until Monday, the 15th, when I have to go into the city for my mammogram and dr appointment (and figured to pick up our glasses then, as well), to also get a grocery order, but I don't think we're going to make it another 8 days. That would be a month in between grocery trips. While I did pick up a few things after our eye exams last weekend, I am going to be out of other things by the end of this week. I guess we'll have to make a run in one day this week, sometime. Either do a long lunch or go in later afternoon. 

It's a cloudy day, but I do see some blue sky in between the clouds, so it's an improvement and it hasn't rained since yesterday morning. So many worms, LOL

I'm slow getting going this morning. I think I had too many snickerdoodles yesterday. Too much sugar in my system and then I didn't sleep very well/took me awhile to fall asleep. I'll try to be better today, but they are so good. I'm going to finish getting my grocery list written out, so it can be ready when I decide to place the order for pickup.


  1. As I've been trying to eat healthier, I made the mistake of having a custard filled Bismarck at our division meeting. Between sugar and so much dough, I regretted it about 30 minutes later.

  2. Maybe you can buy extra of the things you run out of and freeze. Milk and bread can be frozen. I remember the time almost 35 years ago when I told the computer guy helping me in the lab that it would not matter if my computer was slow because I was, too. He said the day would come that 3 seconds would be slow for me. I never thought in 1992 that I would become impatient at the slightest delay.

    1. I do my best to have the freezer stocked, but a month in between grocery shopping trips is a bit too long, really. Too hard. No way to keep fresh fruit and produce. I've tried freezing lunch meat but it doesn't work and I just don't have enough room in my fridge to fit everything to last a month. We just need to get to the store, LOL.
