Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Wednesday almost done already

This morning got busy and I lost my window of time to get my blog post written up. Part of the busyness was a phone chat with my boss about various things. It does kind of sound like she is still leaning towards hiring a f/t accounting person. We keep finding more and more that this position could do. Some new stuff and some to take off my plate.

Then I took an early lunch so dh and I could run into town to take care of some motor vehicle titling stuff. I figured this would be about a 15 minute process. OMG - slow as molasses, LOL. I think we were there like an hour. Then on the way home we got stuck at a train crossing where the train was just sitting there, not moving. OMG again. We waited quite awhile and finally turned around - to get back home another way we had to go like 12 miles out of the way. 7 miles down to the next freeway exit and then 5 miles back to our house.

I get emails from UPS when packages are on the way/delivered. I just got one saying they are delivering something from Home Depot tomorrow. I haven't ordered anything from Home Depot. Did I forget that I ordered something? I looked online w/my Home Depot online ordering log in and no, nothing ordered. I can't imagine what it could be. DH never orders anything himself, usually he just sends me a link if he wants to order something online. I guess I'll find out tomorrow what it is.

I got the new eye drops the eye dr. recommended, delivered this morning, so tried it out. I really like these drops! My eyes felt instantly soothed and the feeling has lasted for hours. He said they have an oil in them that helps keep the eye coated. He wants me to use them when I get up in the morning and when I go to bed. 

I have no idea what to make for dinner tonight. Nothing even sounds good. I guess I'll make chicken quesadillas. And since I didn't take some chicken out of the freezer to thaw, until just now, 2 hours before making dinner, I guess I will be defrosting it.


  1. Happy Wednesday! That would be awesome if you got a real accounting assistant employee. Did I miss a post where the part time student accountant got fired? That would have been so satisfying to read.

    Let us know what the name of the eye drops are-would love a soothing all day eye drop recommendation.

    Also, how is your grounding mat working for both you and hubby? Still recommend?

    1. Hi, no the assistant is still working (doing ok the past couple of months) but I think she wants to hire someone f/t and then let him go. The eye drops are called Optase Intense. Kind of pricey (but I'm used to that now after having my eye issue) but the box says 300 drops, so it should last me several months using 2x a day.

      I 1000% recommend the grounding mat. A few weeks ago I was even able to put away my heating pad I have been using in my recliner the past year. I expected, he won't say, but he barely snores anymore and his sleep has much improved. Even the cat will snuggle up to him in the night and he has never ever done that before, LOL.

  2. I won't be sorry to see that guy go!
    Trains on the track forever is a real pain. When I went to Memphis State, I had to crawl over or under the coupling of the train that just stopped and left walkers and drivers waiting.
    Maybe kitty will not have arthritic joints. He knows to grab a warm place when he feels it. The hard mattress is improving my joint and pain problems. It feels like a board with a blanket over it, really extra firm.
