Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Crazy night and morning

I guess having chickens isn't for the faint of heart. I'm not sure I'm cut out for this part of it. My white hen, who started acting sick right at bedtime Monday night, was quickly going downhill yesterday. She died just before I was going to bed last night :(. The cinnamon queen (Queenie) who started a couple days earlier, is still standing up in the roosting area of the coop, when I went out to check on her when I got up. She's now on day 4. I honestly can't believe she's still alive. Yesterday morning she seemed a little bit better. Then around 11am I gave her a warm soak in a plastic bin (I gave the white hen a soak, after her). She seemed to like that and when I got her dried off and set back down in the coop, she was walking around some for about an hour. After that she just wanted to stand in one place. I eventually moved her up to the roosting area (with the other sick one) so that Gladys (gray one) wouldn't keep bothering her. So, far Gladys does not seem to be affected by it. I guess we'll see what today brings.

I was hoping the last pair of eye glasses we ordered would have come in yesterday (the other 3 came in last Friday and Saturday), so I could get my Walmart order placed and we figured out a time to go in to get the glasses and groceries. Hopefully today. My vision insurance didn't pay what I thought they would - I thought when I looked up what doctors are in the network, it said Costco, so that's why I chose them. But apparently out of network and I had to submit the claims myself. But, out of our $120 (each) eye exams, I am only getting refunded $45 each. Next time I will make sure that I am using an eye doctor that is for sure in network, so that we only have a $10 copay for the exam.

The eye dr we saw at Costco Optical said he also recently started his own practice (and gave me a card) and said the bank was making him work 2 days a week at Costco, until he can show his own practice is going well, LOL. So, I just looked up (again) what dr's are "in network" and it's showing his private practice. Since we really liked him, we will just go to his private practice next time we get eye exams and then can still get our glasses through Costco.

It's payroll processing day and I already have it done. I knew my boss was going to be on vacation starting today, so I did some of the pre-work on it yesterday, so she could answer any questions I had. Plus, the rest of it just went smoothly this morning, which isn't typically the case.

It looks like it will be a nice sunny day out. After the morning fog burned off, I am seeing blue sky and it's supposed to get up to 53. It was 30 when I got up. Brrr.

ok, this is crazy. I just went back out to the coop. If the hen was still standing up in the roosting area, I was going to bring her down onto the ground in the coop, next to food and water. I had some noodles with me for the other hen. I drop a few on the ground for her and Queenie pokes her head out and starts eating some noodles. Then she walks down the ramp, and starts eating and pecking the ground, acting all fine! 



  1. I hope the chickens get better since they did not die. Maybe they just had a stomachache from too many worms.
    How can a bank make a doctor work two days a week at Costco?

    1. One chicken did die last night, but the one who has been sickest the longest is still hanging in there. The eye dr wanted to start his own practice (he had been f/t with Costco Optical) but in order for the bank to fund him, they wanted him to keep working at Costco 2 days a week, for steady income. So, he apparently works Saturdays and one other day a week at Costco for the time being, until he can prove to the bank he is established and making income

  2. Man I hope your chickens hang in there, sorry you did lose one. :(

    1. thank you. I hope the one continues to improve

  3. Hope your chickens will be okay. Sorry you lost one. Do u have info on the grounding Mat?My husband snores so loudly.

    1. I got the grounding mat at It's been amazing how little my dh snores now.
