Monday, April 8, 2024

Good morning Monday

It was lightly snowing when I got up this morning. Just a bit stuck to the roof. Winter lingers on, but there are a couple signs of spring. The grass is getting green and my iris bulbs have some green sprouts.

I didn't do a whole lot yesterday. I did use my newish steam mop to clean our shower. I couldn't find the cup that came with it to pour the water into the small hole. I can't figure out where I would have put it! I found something else to use to get the water in it. I also discovered I've been using it wrong, LOL. I've always noticed when I'm pushing back and forth on the floor, with the pad on, it's not a smooth motion. Well, I had this outside plastic "ring" that attaches around the edge of the mop part and in reading the directions yesterday it says that is a "carpet glide". OH! LOL. So, next time I will try it without that on and see if it's better. I also used a couple of the attachments and steamed the grout and corners and edges of the shower floor. 

About the only other thing I did was make some tapioca pudding I had just enough tapioca left to make some, so I put a box of that on my grocery list. For dinner I made spaghetti, which we hadn't had in awhile. I'm guessing that will be leftover dinner for tonight, or at least for me it will. 

One of my chickens didn't seem to be doing so well yesterday. When I went out there in the morning to give them some leftover bread ends, she was sitting on the ground in the coop. She didn't seem interested in the treat, which is unusual. Every time I went out to check on her she was sitting on the ground (but had moved to different places each time). The 3rd time she was sitting with a bunch of her feathers around her. After dinner I took out some noodles, which they love and that time she was on her feet and ate some noodles, so I was feeling better about her. When it was getting dark, I wanted to make sure she would go up into the nesting part. She, and her buddy, the white hen, were back on the ground, back underneath where the nesting part hangs out over the ground. She was laying down and the white hen was kind of over her, protecting her. They never did go up into the nesting area. I thought for sure she would be gone this morning, but I went out there as soon as it was light and when I opened the door to the coop the white hen came out from that underneath area. I bent down and looked back under there and the other hen was standing there. Still alive and at least she was up on her feet? I guess we'll see how she's doing today.I did read that her breed (cinnamon queen) has a bit of a shorter lifespan, due to being a hybrid - 3-8 years and she is now 4 years old.

Well, right of the bat of logging into work this morning, I had to email a help ticket to our IT group. Grrr. Another update is needed, is the message I'm getting popped up. This time with our accounting software.

DH is up and about already. He wants to run into town to the auto parts store. I'm sure he'll come home grumbling, as he always does from there, LOL. They rarely ever have what he needs in stock and they have to order it and then he has to make another trip back the next day to pick it up. I always tell him to just call first, but he rarely does.

Has the cost of sugar gone way up? A facebook friend mentioned it on a post she made about hummingbirds are back in here area (south) but sugar is too expensive now. I hadn't noticed it was. Plus since sugar is in just about every food in the grocery store, you'd think all food would be way up, then? Plus, it's hard to say with her and her dh. There's being frugal and being cheap and they are very cheap, LOL.


  1. If you enjoy hummingbirds at your feeders, that still seems an inexpensive joy. I did smirk to myself- yes, so much sugar in everything these days. My son is "helping me" by pointing it out repeatedly.

    1. I looked up when I bought some sugar 4# bags at Walmart last October. $3.24 for a bag. It's same price today. Like you, I find it an inexpensive joy

  2. Hubby just made sugar water yesterday and put our feeders out. We have two friends who have seen their first hummingbirds this week.

    I've been sugar free for almost six years. Yes, it's in EVERYTHING. There's something like 96 names for sugar, and they'll put different things on the label so you don't realize how much sugar is really in it.

    1. We don't see hummingbirds until around mid May here. Do you just eat non processed foods then, to not have any sugar?
