Tuesday, April 16, 2024

More tech Tuesday

I forgot to mention I also stopped in at Target yesterday to pick up 2 king sized pillows. I need them for the shams that came with my new comforter set. I wanted something kind of firm, to hold the shape of the sham, since they are just for decoration on the bed. (we use standard sized pillows to sleep). They were pretty reasonable priced at $15 each. I was in and out of there pretty quickly. I had tried to look at pillows online, but I couldn't tell if they were firm, like I wanted, so I wanted to see them in person before buying.

My left arm is still really sore this morning, from the shingles shot. This shot's (Shingrix) info says it's 97% effective in healthy adults, aged 50-69. And insurance covers it, as well.

A tech from our phone/internet company called yesterday, but it went to voicemail. I couldn't do anything on it yesterday anyway, as if he needed me to get to our modem/router, I couldn't, due to our garage floor being coated and sealed. I can get back on it today, so I will call. His voicemail did say that they see my modem, from them, is really old, so they'd like to try to replace that. Duh! I will call back later this morning on it.

I think today I will be attempting to call the IRS and see what the heck is going on with my mom's tax return/refund. It's now been a month since I mailed the form 1310, along with a copy of her tax return. It's been 3 months since I filed her tax return. How about some sort of letter/notice letting me know what the issue is? I'm still waiting on the SS payment, as well, but that's only been about 3 weeks since I mailed that corrected form in. That one asked for a bank account to direct deposit it to, so I keep hoping it will show up every time I log into my bank online.

Spring is definitely here. Still nothing going on with any sort of building prep next door. I'm honestly very surprised he hasn't at least got the well dug and put in, after 2 1/2 years. Or get his building site prepped, especially since it sounded like (and with is equipment he has) he would be doing this part himself. He hasn't come and burned his big brush pile either, that he left there at the end of fall, last year. This is the time every one around here does their burning, because before we know it, you won't be able to burn like that, due to hotter weather/fire hazard. 

Now, I guess there is another $284 from my mom's IRA to distribute, LOL. I got a statement on her account and there were 2 dividends paid like a week after the account was distributed. I'll have to check my account to see if they've transferred my share of it. I'm sure this will confuse uncle. I don't know if he ended up keeping his money in that account, or cashed/transferred it out. I would assume that any of the other beneficiaries who already cashed theirs out, they would then just send a check for the remaining small amount they are owed. It's under $15 each.

I got distracted from getting this posted, when I called the internet tech back. Different guy, but they are always so nice and helpful. He said this modem is old, so is sending out a new one today and to call him when I get it in 2-3 days and he will walk me through setting it up. It sounds like he's already putting the settings I need on it, before he mails it out. Hopefully this fixes this intermittent issue of very very slow internet. 

Carry on!


  1. I am glad you get helpful techs every time. We fight tooth and nail here with our service providers sometimes, ugh! Hopefully everything gets sorted soon from taxes to modems etc.

  2. Bad luck with the sore arm - but it'll be worth it in the end not to have shingles - my mother was never a complainer but she said shingles was really horrible and asked her doctor to give her stronger pain killers!
    I've just been called for my 5th Covid jab, available now for over 75s.

  3. I do need to get the shingles vaccine, but need to schedule when I'm ok with maybe being I'll a day or two. Funny how things get labeled "so old," like your modem. I know technology moves fast, but things truly have short lives now.

    1. I think most technology is lucky if it lasts 5 years.

  4. The Shingrix vaccine is called "adjuvanted". Adjuvants are substances formulated as part of a vaccine to boost immune responses and enhance the vaccine's effectiveness. This can cause a sore arm and sometimes flu-like symtoms, such as muscle aches.

  5. I am glad the effectiveness is better. I need to get a booster. Tommy's cousin's wife had shingles and he said she did not want to wear clothing. The pain I experienced when I had such a light case was unimaginable. I cannot imagine having a full-blown case.
    A new modem sounds like a good idea to fix our problems.

    A painful arm is supposed to be a sign of a good immune response. I don't know.
