Monday, April 1, 2024

Aches and pains Monday

My side job, which is very little work, and I really only need to get online once or twice a month to record the transactions from their bank accounts. Well, I go to sign in this morning, so I can finish up the March bank statement and get the quarterly report done and can't get on - again. It's really getting annoying. I'll text my side job boss again here in a little bit. It's still early for her and most likely they spent the weekend and are still at their beach home, so nothing's going to get fixed today, anyway.

I was trying to submit our claims for the eye exams online yesterday and accidentally uploaded dh's scanned receipt under my name and there was no way to delete it. So, this morning I logged in and figured out how to send a message about the error. I also got online with my HSA account and uploaded copies of our receipts for the frames and lenses, and my Walmart receipt for the new eye drops I ordered. Once I know what my out of pocket will be on the eye exams, I can upload that. I now have over $1400 in saved HSA eligible receipts. It will be interesting to see how much ends up in there by the time I want to start pulling money out of HSA, for retirement purposes. The nice thing is, if I need any of it before I have to start my 401k RMD's at 75, I can pull that amount out first, tax free. I need to look into HSA's and if/when there is an RMD on those.

Yesterday was a tiring day. I spent about 2 hours staining boards. Took a break and then dh needed help installing the 2 lights up in the loft ceiling. Due to the fact that he didn't move his stacked pallet of CRAP out of the way, underneath one of the lights, I had to try to sit/kneel on top of this CRAP while trying to hold up my end of the fixture while we got it fitted in the space and then he had to get some screws in. The reason he couldn't move that stack of CRAP is because he would've had to move 10 other things to make some room to move the stack out of the way. Today my lower back and shoulders are feeling it. It doesn't take long holding my arms above my head before they start burning. Then....the lights wouldn't turn on. I spent a hour standing there while he cussed and tried different things, convinced he had it all connect right. Finally he had to unscrew it all and take the light back down and realized he missed getting one of the wires connected right. I was not a very happy camper, by then. 

I finally remembered to call to see if I can get in for a mammogram (same place as my dr) appointment just before my annual exam with my dr. Thankfully they were able to schedule me in a half hour before my dr. appointment, so I can get that done on the same day and out of the way. This office has regular physicians, an urgent care, and does mammograms M-F.  I usually just call their main # to schedule the mammogram, but I got online with their website to get the number and see under their "services" mammogram is linked so I click on the link and see a 1-800 number to call and schedule the appt, so I dial that instead. OMG. First the recording says we are offering a special today for certain callers. Are you over 50? Press 1 for yes, so I press yes. Then it says I am eligible to receive a free emergency call button device. Press 1 to accept this offer. I did not. Then a woman comes on the line and says "can you hear me ok?" I say yes and she starts in on this spiel for the device. I try to interrupt her to say, no thank you, I just need to make my mammogram appointment and the talking doesn't stop. Obviously it was a recording. I just hung up, found my office's ph# and called direct and quickly got my appointment. Good grief. This is the day I am doing well combining a bunch of errands in one trip to the city. Mammogram, wellness visit and (hopefully) pick up our glasses from Costco.

Last Friday we had our quarterly company meeting. Everyone else remote was not on live, so I didn't bother either, LOL. Again, who wants to sit and stare at faces on a screen watching a meeting for 90 minutes. It was a good meeting, with good news. We are at our sales goal for the quarter and we have more than met our earnings revenue (commissions on these sales) goal, which is the metric, for bonus, mid year and year end. We should most definitely get our mid year bonus's this year, so that is great news. I'm also hoping that if we can meet our goals this year, they will also fund the profit sharing portion of our 401k company "match" again. We haven't received that the last 2 years. Maybe 3 years. I lost track of how long it's been.  

A beautiful blue sky sunny day, temps climbing up to 57. Very nice.


  1. Holding my arms above my head for long makes them burn. But, since I tore both rotator cuffs and a muscle in my chest, about 30 seconds is my limit. I can imagine how you hurt.

    I hate those calls that ask if you are over 50 or whatever. If you say no, they have a vacation deal for you. So, there is no way to win and get away. When this happens, I complain bitterly to whoever I am calling. Hate it!

    1. I really don't understand why my medical office (linked to the hospital and several offices around the city) would have something like that as their number to call to make the appointment. It was super annoying.

  2. Hi Sylvia - thank you! I am still 1000% loving it. A few weeks ago I even stopped needing to use the heating pad that was a permanent fixture on my recliner. It's put away in drawer now. DH won't say (which I totally expected) but he was a pretty bad snorer and hardly snores at all now, even laying on his back (which was the worse for snoring) and I do think he is getting better sleep. He also seems to have changed his sleeping habits - going to bed earlier and while he's getting up earlier, overall he's getting more sleep than before.

  3. One more thing dh has noticed (though of course he wouldn't attribute it to the grounding mat) is he is feeling much more relaxed and calm the past couple of weeks. Our cat never sits in his lap or sleeps next to him and he's started doing this around the same time and dh was like what?! I said it's because you are calm now....LOL

  4. Thank you for your reply. I must say I am sleeping much better as well. I am going to encourage my son in law to try and use it as well as he is bad at snoring. Does your husband alway have the mat touching his skin.
    Thank you. Sylvia

  5. That's great to hear your feedback as well. We both sleep with bare legs and feet, so his skin should be touching as much as mine is during the night.
