Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Inflation and store brands

In continuing with the friend that said the price of sugar is so expensive.... Since I last purchased a couple bags of sugar, it was last October. I thought well, maybe the price has gone way up since then? Nope, it's exactly the same. But, then I went back one more purchase, a year ago, I bought a 10# bag and it was almost 60% less than a 10# is now! So, I guess she is spot on. A couple of her friends commented. One gave her a link to a 25# bag on Amazon - for $35.....acting like this is a great deal. I commented she can get a 25# bag of sugar at Walmart for less than $20. Inflation creep. I can't imagine how people on a tight budget, who live paycheck to paycheck, are doing trying to feed their families on most likely, the same income they had before the inflation keeps creeping in.

I was watching a podcast type show recently where one of the hosts had several food items in both name brand and store brand and had the other host try out each and say which one he liked better. For all but one, he picked the store brands. She even had him try Lays potato chips and store brand and he thought the store brand tasted better. Of course the store brand was much cheaper. I've never tried store brand chips before. It got me to thinking, when I am doing my grocery order online, I need to give more store brands a try. I do use some. So, at least on this order, I'm going to give the Great Value regular potato chips and try and see how dh likes them (or if he even notices). They are 30% cheaper.

I'm going to try a few other things in Great Value brand. DH eats Hostess cupcakes with his lunch. I will order an extra box in GV brand, just to try. If he won't eat them, I will LOL. If he does like them, well that's .50 savings per box.

I need cool whip for a banana cream pie I want to make. I have bought store brand often, and will buy that again. $1.98 vs $1.07. Almost double the price. Once we try the new store brands items, I'll update on how we liked them. 

I have no idea what is going on with my chickens. During the day the sick one seemed a bit better, but by the time I went out there again at 4:30 (I checked on her many times during the day) she seemed worse. Evening I picked her up and set her in the roosting area. Then when it got dark my white hen didn't want to go into the roosting area. We got up her in there and just set her on the floor next to the sick one. The gray hen was already up on the roosting bar.

This morning now the white hen seems sick and just laying on the ground. Now the brown (sick) hen seems a bit perkier...maybe? Every time I picked her up the past 2 days she made no sounds or movement, but this morning, when I picked her up to set her down on the ground in the coop, she started making noises and even flapped her wings a bit. I set her next to the water and food and she just stood here. I went out again just now and when I went inside the coop she started making some bawking noises at me. White hen is still just laying on the ground. I did take some bread out and she took a couple pieces I set on the ground next to her. The brown sick hen wouldn't take any from me. My half sis suggested a warm bath, so I am going to see what I can find to use as a little tub and try that.


  1. Sorry about your sick chickens. I’ve never had much success nursing them back to health. Sometimes they get better, but sadly usually not.

    I buy mostly great value brands, and with the exception of a few things, they’ve all been as good or better than name brands. I actually just bought a package of those GV hostess cupcakes and they are fine-maybe not quite as good, but acceptable. I used to really like the GV chips, but now they aren’t quite as good as lays. I still buy them. If something isn’t quite as good I ask myself if it’s worth $xx to have the name brand and the answer is usually no. So far I’m still buying franz bread because my answer to that one is yes, it’s worth double the price lol. I did switch to GV buns recently. It saves so much money buying store brands. I can’t imagine what I’d spend buying nothing but name brands. That would be crazy imo.


    1. I'm not expecting a good outcome with the chickens, either :(
      Our favorite bread is Naked Honey Wheat. I won't skimp on that LOL. I use the GV buns, as well. Also their bakery Hawaiian rolls are much cheaper and better than name brand, IMO.

    2. I wonder if it’s possibly they have bird flu? You live next to the river and likely get waterfowl. I don’t know because I don’t know the symptoms of it. I have had one chicken get sick but never more than one at a time. It could be bad luck, or maybe they have something contagious.


    3. it's so hard to know what is causing it. maybe dh gave them too many worms to eat, when he scooped a bunch up for 2 days and tossed in the coop? Google is as bad as trying to figure out what is wrong with a human, LOL. I put in the symptoms and it says likely overheating, haha.

  2. Non name brand is usually good for us - except maybe Cheetos, LOL! Otherwise, shrinkflation and greed is winning :(

  3. Great Value snacks are the best. Never buy name brand chips or other snacks again.

  4. Tommy buys any brand of chips and loves them. If I cannot have name brand, I just leave them and if left up to me would go stale. Of course, there are very few name brand snacks I will eat. Kroger has good store brand foods. I will not buy Walmart brands.

    Is the chicken lying on the ground on its side with head on ground? Or, is it sitting down flat and not standing. If lying on its side, I don't hold out much hope. Every chicken of mine that got sick, died. If they are sick from eating worms, I would think there was something in the big scoop of worms, like something in the dirt or from the pavement.

  5. I mostly don't mind store brands at all. In fact, off the top of my head the only branded item I really like is Green Giant sweet corn. I have heard that in some cases the store brand and the branded items are often just the same thing with different labels on them, but I don't know how true that is!

    1. I buy a lot of store brands already - baking supplies, noodles, buns, paper towels, etc, but I do have room for improvement and will test out some other things to see if I can switch
