Friday, April 26, 2024

Rainy Friday

Woke up to pouring rain this morning. Looks like rain for today and tomorrow. DH did get the lawn mowed again yesterday. We are starting to see signs of spring and blooming. I see my Lilac is filling up with green buds. Hopefully one day it will be huge and big, but I do see it getting a little bigger each year. I'm also guessing I won't be listening to a chain saw next door today, since it's raining. Someone did show up yesterday around 6pm and loaded up all the firewood from the trees he cut. There is a sign in front of each lot, so they must still be separate lots. I wouldn't have thought he got them combined, as I would assume that would need to go through a lot to get that done, as well as, since it changes the short plat of our subdivision, I would think the other property owners would have had to be notified of the change. DH had gone someone yesterday and also saw the realtor sign out next to the main road, in front of the properties.

Still no listing for them yet. Probably need pictures. It will be interesting to see how this realtor advertises them. The realtor the previous owner used (this was back in 2020/21) literally had 80 % of the pictures in his listing of our house (and lots of drone pics). Dh called the realtor up and said (sarcastically) are you trying to sell my house?? "well, no...I just wanted to show it was a nice neighborhood". DH said well then you can use one picture that shows the us/neighborhood, but you don't need 13 pictures of our house and property. He took them down.

I've had a pretty productive week, work wise. Even though my assistant has only worked like 3 hours this week, LOL. When my boss had messaged him Wed morning he replied he was taking finals and had his last one Wed morning and would be working in the afternoon. He never did, but he did work yesterday. But, I am managing to get some old stuff cleared up and worked on, which is nice. Today I need to create a list of mfg's we rep and contacts I have in their accounting dept's, so my boss has access to this list, instead of always emailing me to ask who I communicate with, LOL. I should be able to have that done in a couple of hours. I think we rep like 100 mfg's. I've lost count how many it actually is.

We're going to have to replace that big shop door that dh broke :(.  I was looking up our quotes for the doors, when we built, so I'd have the brand name and color. For some reason I also still remembered the name of the guy at the building supply place, who I had emailed back and forth with on the doors. He was always nice and helpful. DH did an online search and turns out he went out on his own several years ago and now runs his own door company, so dh contacted him to do this replacement. We could go the route of replacing like 5 of the 8 panels that are buckled, but due to sun/weather wear on our current doors, the colors won't match and wouldn't look good, so we are just replacing the whole darn door. Not cheap....of course he couldn't have broken one of the smaller garage doors, LOL. 

It's been a week and a half and I don't see that dh has moved anything more back into the garage, LOL. When I asked him again about the bin(s) of old computer equipment he said there was one bin and it was actually in one of the upstairs bedroom closets, which I had forgotten we put in there (It has been in his den, before). So, I looked through it and no ethernet cable, so I just ordered the shortest one I could find at 1.5ft for $2.99 from Amazon. We don't need a long one, it's just going inside that access pane........and as I'm typing this out I just realized my mistake! This cable is needed to go from his computer to the wall outlet in  his den, so I DO need a longer one. I was able to quickly cancel that order and reorder the right size. If I hadn't been typing this out, I would have ended up getting the wrong one! I'm glad it's Friday :)


  1. We had a similar situation with one of our garage doors. We ended up getting a new door. Time & weather was an issue. That's been about a year ago & you can't see any difference. Our doors are also not the standard size.:0. $$$$$

    1. I'm sure even this big door will look darker now then our other doors, but at least it is on an end and not right next to other doors and like you said will eventually time and weather to the other doors.

  2. Maybe the realtor was hoping to drum up business to convince you to sell your house. Forward thinking?
