Saturday, April 6, 2024

Short and sweet Saturday

I ended up having a headache pretty much all day yesterday. I tried tylenol, then Advil. Neither helped. After dinner I took a nap and that didn't help. It didn't help that someone from our IT group called me to do an update for Windows on my computer. At first I was ok, good. It's an hour before I finish up my day, I can take it easy and not need to put too much thought into work now. This process ended up taking 2 hours, so it was 5:30 by the time it got done. It would have been nice if they had told us this, to begin with, when the email went out about scheduling our computers for this update.

This morning it seems to be gone. If it comes back, I'm going to try a sinus headache pill, as when regular tylenol or advil do not work, it's a sinus headache I have.

It's trying to snow right now, a mixed snow and rain. It's been so dark and cloudy the past few days. We have not seen the sun at all. Looking at the weather forecast it doesn't look like we will be seeing the sun for another whole week. Ugh.

I've been following this cleaning lady on instagram and am going to try a method she used to clean a glass stove top. We'll see if it really gets it all clean and not still see smears. That's my project today, LOL. I'm not holding my breath, though. With the exception of the Dawn Purple degreaser, the rest of the supplies were inexpensive. But, I just realized one of the supplies has not even arrived yet and says not until Monday the 15th! Good grief. I'm going to see if I can just cancel that one. It was thru Walmart and hasn't even shipped yet. I placed the order on 3/31.

With the nice spring weather we did have for a few days, it reminded me that it's just about tick season, so I just ordered a 3 pack of flea & tick drops for the cat. That usually gets me through tick season, which usually ends around mid July, due to the hot temps.

Part of what I am using some of my inheritance for is to finish out a few things we have never finished with our house and shop. For the garage, dh has wanted the floor coated and a heating unit added. We are going to get the floor coated a week from Monday. A lady came out last week to give us a quote and it was a bit too much. We told her we'd think on it. Then I emailed her and told her we were still thinking on this, due to the price being so much higher than anticipated. She then did offer 10% off of that quoted price, so we are going to get it done. So, ya, even though I hate to haggle prices with people, it pays to at least ask. The heater we won't need to get installed until just before next winter, so no rush on that right now. We already have our HVAC guy for that, so that will be easy.

That's all I have for right now. I'm hungry and need some breakfast.


  1. I never had headaches. Maybe my eyes and cheeks will hurt from sinus problems. But, mine only is brief and mild. Do you ever hold a hot, wet cloth over your face, sometimes while sitting up and sometimes lying down? That helps me.
    Maybe you can get a better deal on the hvac now instead of waiting until cold weather. He may not be busy now and you can get a better price.

    1. I think our hvac guy, who is a friend, pretty much charges us a decent price no matter when, plus dh is always in no rush, so he can do it when he has time. I don't get a lot of headaches, but usually some advil or tylenol does the job.

  2. I find those Instagram cleaning videos very therapeutic!

    I've got a cooker with a glass top and I have used steel wool which didn't seem to harm it but like you say its the smearing that's hard to get rid of.

    With me its wine - much to my disappointment.
    Headache next day, without fail.
