Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Just a little bit of Wednesday going on

I'm trying again to get at least most of this post completed before I start work. It's not happening, LOL. I slept in an extra 10 minutes, to start. Then 20 minutes later dh got up for the day, so I went back downstairs and made him up his egg muffin breakfast sandwich. Now I see there are 7 minutes until it's Go time with work. 

I need to get some new bath towels. We have a system, because dh doesn't really like them all fluffy and soft (weirdo, haha), so when his set of older towels gets too bad, then I pass on my now fairly used, and not so fluffy and soft anymore, set of towels, and I get a new set. In our master bath we each have a linen cabinet next to our sinks, so we keep our towels separate. The last set I bought was like 5 or 6 years ago, from MyPillow and they were really nice and soft, but I see they still sell towels but only have like 2 colors and not what I want. I think I'm going to try some from Target that I read about in a towel review article online. I think I'll just get 2 to try and if I like them, I'll get 2 more. Plus one of the colors they haveI really like, and they are only $12. I just like the regular size bath towels, I don't need the huge sheet size.

The internet is working fine this morning, so should be good for the day, since it only seems to happen in the morning, when it does. Well, maybe I'm speaking too soon. While it doesn't seem too slow, I just did 2 speed tests and it's half of what it should be. But, at least it's workable. It's about the speed we had, before I did the upgrade about 5 months ago. I just checked the speed again and now it's up to normal.

I was going to try to share a little video dh took yesterday of it snowing, in slow motion, and he tried to send it to me, but apparently it's too big of file and for some reason we can never get airdrop to work for us. Oh well.

DD was given some rhubarb by her neighbor so she is going to try to make some strawberry rhubarb jam. I told her to bring me a jar! Yum!.


  1. You should look at Costco for towels. Really nice, hold up well and inexpensive.

    1. Good idea! I'm still not all the way in the mindset that I'm a Costco member, LOL

    2. Some really fluffy towels are annoyingly clingy! It is like they have a coating. But, a little fluff is nice to use. I actually cannot stand the bath sheets.

    3. I'm the same way with the type of fluffy towels that dry you off and leave you feeling like you are still damp. But, I do like soft towels and the bath sheets are just too big.

  2. Yellow Shoes
    I hate using a towel that is the least bit damp and/or hasn't got the deep pile I like.
    As all my original white towels are slowly going grey ( ! ) I'm replacing them with brightly coloured ones.
    These days the dye doesn't run like it used to.
