Monday, May 6, 2024

More Monday

Good morning. Monday, again. Raining again, LOL. Usually this time of year the river is very high and very brown. It looks more like "summer river". Low and green. That's the result of hardly any snow this past winter, so very little melt off coming down from the mountains. Likely going to also make for a bad fire season, this year.

Yesterday I made some peanut butter cookies. Didn't do much else. Ordered a few needed things on line, as well as a small air purifier to use in dh's den. He's hoping it will help with the cat fur. I was looking into them and then looking on Amazon, but was logged in through my shared Prime account with dd. I was looking at one in particular and see it said "you purchased this in 2021" LOL. It was dd's purchase so I asked her about it and she said they use it in their bedroom (where there 2 (formerly 3) pets sleep with them at night and it has worked well for them, so I ordered one.

I also need some new tee's and socks, but started looking at tee's, where I normally get them (usually Kohls or Target) and just not seeing any colors I wanted, so I gave up looking. But, I really do need some new tee's. Most of mine now either have holes (how? LOL) or stains. And most of my white ankle socks have gotten holes, so I'm down to 2 pair of those. I have some colored pairs, but they aren't my favorite, as they are just a bit too thin and too low. I don't even recall where I got these white socks from. Maybe Walmart. I'll have to search my order history and see if I can find where I bought them.

Still nothing on my mom's tax return or social security payment. Both just stuck in the bureaucracy, I guess. I suppose we all are always having to deal with something, at all time, it seems.

I've managed to get most of this post written before I need to log into work. Let's hope this week is better, haha. 

I see the towels I ordered (Friday?) are being delivered today, already. Now, I will pass on my current towels to dh to use (he likes his towels less soft, LOL) and he can relegate his old, wearing out towels, to the shop for rag use.

An update on the 2 store brand items I tried out last shopping trip. The Great Value potato chips were a hit and 1/3 less in price. The cupcakes that were supposed to be like Hostess were disgusting, so those were a bust. I will also be trying the bbq chips in the store brand.


  1. Not sure what type of t shirt, but I love JC Penney St.Jonh's Bay t-shirts. I prefer v neck. I wear them daily. I wear the 3/4 sleeve length with denim skirts over leggings in winter, (or the odd pair of jeans), and the short sleeve ones with skorts, or under shortalls in the warm weather. I like the fit and quality. I think they are currently on sale for $6.99

    1. (I meant "not sure what type of t-shirt you are looking for.")

    2. Jre I also love the St John’s at Penney’s and ordered that special. That brand has been a go to for years, not thin or flimsy and they wash up so well!

    3. thanks for the suggestion! I too only like v-neck and I want them cotton and not tight and stretchy LOL. I will check out JCP :)

  2. I had a pair of socks that were so comfortable that I wore them with holes in the heels. My friends mocked me. I still wore them. Finally, I gave up. However, I never had a pair before or after that felt so good. I saw a hack for holey or stained clothes--embroider a flower over the hole or stain. It was not really embroidery but easily done.

    I wonder how your uncle is handling these delays.

  3. No surprise that the Great Value chips were a hit! I hope the purifier works. Even though your mom's stuff is tied up, hopefully once it processes it's easy peasy.

  4. Yellow Shoes

    Your dh using old towels eventually for rags made me smile; my dh still uses for rags a small collection of discarded but clean Terry nappies I gave him, oh it must be 40 years ago. Top quality! x

  5. Would you be willing to share the brand and where from your getting your purifier. We are looking for one. Thanks in advance. Joyce

    1. Sure, here is the link to it. The brand is Levoit
