Saturday, May 25, 2024

Quick Saturday post

I'm glad I decided to get all the flowers planted yesterday, while it was fairly nice out. Today is a rainy rainy day. We usually have really nice Memorial Day weekends, weather wise. Often it's in the mid 70's to 80's by now.  I did pretty good getting enough packs of flowers for all the boxes and pots. I could use a few more. Dh had a good idea to move this "watering can" planter to underneath the antique water pump that we have setting on top of a wine barrel.

Dinner last night was hamburgers and corn on the cob. The first corn of the season. Yum. For dessert it was strawberry shortcake, dh's favorite. Tonight I'm making the orange chicken and rice. We haven't had that in like 2 weeks now.

No plans of much today. Even if we had wanted to go to the big flea market today, it's too wet and rainy. We still have tomorrow, if we change our minds about going this year.

I've gotten breakfast over. The dishwasher emptied and a few pots and pans from dinner and breakfast, this morning, cleaned up. I supposed I should go downstairs and get in the shower and get our bed made. 


  1. Wet and cold here too. I keep telling myself we need the rain!

  2. I love the husband's styling!
    It's going to be a stormy Monday here. We have no place to go.
    You go downstairs from the kitchen to shower?

    1. I was upstairs at my computer while typing this blog post :)
