Saturday, May 11, 2024

Sleepy kitty

I didn't even get to make my bed yesterday. Poor Amos was feeling the effects of the vaccine and stayed sleeping on my bed all the way until I was done with work at 4:30. I didn't have the heart to make him get off the bed, so I could make it. Then he finally perked up and has been ok. He's going to be annoyed in a few hours when that annoying doggo comes to stay the weekend, LOL. Right now he's planted himself in my lap as I sit typing this. He's hard to budge when he decides he's sitting here.

I took a lunch break yesterday and vacuumed the upstairs and cleaned the toilet. I also cleaned all the square panes of glass in the french doors into the bonus room. It was full of kitty foot prints! HAHA! Sometimes at night, he will get the zoomies and race down the hall and do a karate kick at the door and you can see the evidence of his foot prints. Often he will actually push the door open, too. After dinner, dh went outside to spread the lawn fertilizer so I decided to get the downstairs vacuuming done. Now I'll have less to do today. Just mop the kitchen and laundry and do some dusting.

I'm sure dd and sil are on their way, they always leave early, since they are so used to being up super early every day for work. DD usually drives the first half, so I'll get a message from her when sil takes over the driving the rest of the way.

I was already asleep when dh woke me up and told me about the aurora borealis going on. He said he couldn't see it as much because we are in such a little narrow area, surrounded by mountains, it was blocking. I didn't get up, but he got a few good pics. I see it should be viewable again tonight, so I will for sure stay up or get up to see it. I guess he even got in his truck and drove down to the valley area near us, to see it better. That's probably where the 4 of us will head tonight to see it best. My sil has a phone that takes great pics, so I'm sure he'll get some good ones.

We see DAN has finally reduced the price of his house that has been for sale for over 2 1/2 years. He had reduced it to this price back in July 2022 (and then made it higher again, every time he relisted it with a new agent) and didn't sell it then....He was out again yesterday morning for a few hours and appeared to have taken down the last 2 trees that were dead. He hauled his equipment out with him this time, so he must be done now. 

Sunny and blue skies! It got to 78 yesterday. Woo! We should be seeing hummingbirds pretty soon.


  1. We had a great view between the trees. My neighbor woke me up at 11:00 to tell me to go outside and look straight up. Then I drove to her house so she could help me with my phone to take pictures!. Later, a kid and I drove to the main road to get more pictures. (Less trees...we have no streetlights). I am glad we didn't drive to the beaches, because a kid who did just woke up and told me the northern most beach was crowned, so they went back to the farm road that leads to it, and laid on the car to watch.

    1. DH said it was definitely better for him in that wider valley area and sounds like others went there too

  2. This current Aurora Borealis appearance must be world wide as we have been enjoying the amazing spectacle in the UK this weekend.
    We drove to a field near us where it was dark and flat and got a good view.
    The Aurora B wasn't very bright but it was in definite stripes of pink, and green.
    It arced over us from one horizon to the other and was an amazing sight.
    It's expected again tonight although we're also expecting cloud.

    1. We're having clear skies, so hoping I get to see it tonight

  3. People who could not get a good view, got really good pictures. It seems it shows better with a camera. So, even if I can see nothing, I will take pics. We don't have a good view of the horizon, so I am hoping it is straight up here.

  4. I hope you see the Borealis tonight, AND I hope DD and DSIL take a property tour next door :p (one more likely than the other I know, haha!)
