Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Chirpy Tuesday - I mean Wednesday!

I don't know what day it is this week! There has been a bird out near my office window that is just too freaking happy this morning, LOL. It has not stopped chirping. 

Today is supposed to be the last of the rainy days. Full sunshine starting tomorrow and warming up to the 70's starting Friday. Good weather for when dd and sil will be here. I was getting my order with Walmart entered and trying to figure out what to make for dinner the 2 nights they are here. That tray of chicken pesto pasta I got at Costco was pretty large, so I just froze and and am saving it for one of the nights. Looks like it would feed 4 pretty well. I'll add some salad and garlic bread. I wasn't sure what to make the 2nd night, so I asked dd for an idea and she suggested the enchiladas, so that is easy and good.

I don't know how long it's been since we've had good old tomato soup for dinner. Months and months. Used to be a staple, once or twice a month - for like 40 years! and then suddenly every time I tried to make it, the milk would separate. Standing in my pantry yesterday trying to decide what to make for dinner and I'm thinking, boy good old tomato soup sure sounds good on this cloudy cold day. So, this is what I tried - I put a little bit of cornstarch mixed with water and added that to the can. I have always used milk, rather than water, as the liquid. Never ever an issue. This time I added about 3/4 can of whole milk and the rest water. Usually I've always used 2% in the soup, but in trying to fix the milk separating issue, I've tried like 3 different kinds of milk. 

Then I heated it very slow (which I always did in the past, as well) and success! We finally got to have some tomato soup for dinner. Hopefully, now we can start having it again, every so often, and it wasn't just a fluke it turned out ok.

Tomorrow is kitty's vet appointment. I need to get the cat carrier out from storage. It was also recommended I bring a poop sample, preferably from the same day. Well, I'll try, LOL.

The air purifier I ordered for dh's den just arrived. I'll update in a week or two how it seems to be working/if he sees a difference.

I'm still LOVING my Torani white chocolate sauce in my daily cup of coffee. I decided to order the sugar free version and it just arrived. I'm sure it will likely taste the same. It still has calories but not as much and especially the no sugar is the better way to go.


  1. It’s Wednesday

  2. What is whole canned milk. Condensed? Pet?

    Birds in the Spring are wonderful except when they rejoice at the window except when I am sleeping.

    The raspberry brand of Torani tempts me. But, I don't drink coffee.

    I am glad the weather will be good for their visit and driving.

    1. Just regular milk - when the instructions say to add a can of water (I've always used milk) using the soup can
