Monday, May 27, 2024

Last day

DH was busier than me yesterday. He mowed the lawn and then washed 2 vehicles. When he came inside, I was standing in the kitchen, going to get dinner started, and he says "I'm worn out". Before I could say anything Siri pipes up through his phone and says "OK, I'll hold down the fort". What the heck! LOL. I just looked at him and said oh, is she going to make dinner then? 

For dinner I used up the rest of the corn on the cob. It wasn't as good as Friday, but probably not as fresh by yesterday. I have one cooked cob left, so I'm going to give it to the chicken. She'll probably enjoy pecking at it.

I did a few cleaning chores. Cleaned up my desk/office. Cleaned our bathroom. Watered the flowers, which will now pretty much be a daily chore. DH is going to get the long coiled hoses hooked up today, so it will be easier to water and not carry a can around to all of them.

Those eye drops the eye dr recommended to me are really great, but now that the bottle is getting down low, it's getting really hard to squeeze a drop out. The little bottle just squeezes in but nothing wants to come out. A bit frustrating since there's like 1/5th left and this is expensive stuff. I ordered another bottle (it's lasted me about 2 months) but I'm thinking of getting a little eye dropper and getting the top off this bottle (or cutting it off or however I need to) so I can use the remaining drops. Next Amazon order, I'm going to add an eye dropper. 

Plus I need to add some corn cob holders. I was down to 4 left and one broke last night, so I don't even have enough for both of us to have on our corn. I have these cute white ceramic corn shaped dishes to hold corn on the cob, that I got at Bed Bath and Beyond, years ago.

I did also (the day after I got the check) get a letter in the mail from the IRS saying they have resolved the delay and a check is on the way. 

While dh was out washing vehicles I decided to get Apple + tv again for a month. There are actually 4 shows I'm waiting (for like a year or more now, well one of the shows has been over 2 years, for goodness sake) for season 2, but one of them did finally get season 2 started for viewing. It's just a half hour show. I think there's only going to be one more episode of season 2 that airs sometime this week. I also started watching another new show, a sci-fi thriller type that is from a book I read a few years ago. I've watched one episode of that and it was good, though I kept trying to remember exactly what the storyline of the book was, then in started coming back to me. There's also another show that has 4 seasons, that I never watched when I subscribed before, so I'll likely get that one started during this month. After that I'll likely cancel it again, and wait........and wait...for season 2 of the other 3 shows I really liked.

I haven't had anymore slow internet since May 17th. Funny, a month or two ago, when first dealing with this I got a Verizon message on my phone about getting their 5g "home wifi". I looked into it and then it said it wasn't available in my area. I was kind of not surprised, being rural, but we literally have a Verizon cell tower in our view (remember? LOL), seems like we should have the availability. Well, then Saturday in the mail I get a mailer from Verizon saying it's now available in my neighborhood. I just went online with my Verizon account and it does say now available. I looked into the pricing and overall, it would be about $10 cheaper per month then I'm paying now through the phone company. But, supposedly much faster speeds than this slow dsl we have. 

I googled on it some more and came across a review video a guy did after having it for a year now, and he's happy. He said he got it to try and for the first month kept his old internet service before he decided if the Verizon home internet worked out ok or not. That is smart. If I have any more issues or this slow internet keeps happening more and more often, I might give this option a try and see. Our telephone/internet provider is working on fiber optic but it will likely be years before we ever see it out here. I'm going to keep doing some more research on this Verizon home internet and see if I can read more reviews on how happy people are with it. I would think it would be decent - our Verizon phone service is always good.

Very sunny and blue sky today and supposed to be 70. Yay :)


  1. That would be freaky having something talk back to me. Yes, come do the dishes, please. I wrote a word in my blog and now there are articles showing up about the word I said. Then, I was talking to Tommy about something. Same thing--articles and ads showing up on my feed. It sort of scares me.

    I am glad for whatever reason your internet seems to be fixed.

  2. I thought of you yesterday when I was at Costco in Helena. That place was loaded with flowers and hanging baskets. My son and dil were in the Bozeman Costco a couple days ago and they bought a few things. I didn’t even look at them because I don’t want flowers I have to water and protect from frost. Every single one of my perennials have died now due to -50 winters we’ve had 2 years in a row. I’m done with flowers of all kinds.
    Costco was dead yesterday-slowest I have ever seen it on a weekend. Apparently the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend is a great time to go. We were in and out in under an hour and I bought a lot of stuff, plus my DD’s had stuff too so we covered most of the store.


    1. There are perennials that will survive those temps!

    2. We don't get the -50 here, but between the weather and the deer it's hard to grow stuff, LOL.

    3. Oops. I was replying to Diane. I thought I did, but I guess I didn't!

  3. Gray and high 50's here for Memorial Day. Not that I have any gumption to even cook a celebratory dinner... I stupidly stayed up until 12:30 Saturday night/Sunday morning 3:52 a.m., I heard a sound in the dining room. I went out to see youngest pacing around the table, holding his stomach, inhaling sharply. I asked what was wrong, even though I knew before he answered. He said his stomach was hurting badly. I told him to get in the car, ran back to the bedroom, pulled on some clothes and shoes, grabbed my purse, hastily scribbled a note to DH, and by 3:56 a.m. we were on our way to the hospital two towns to the north. We arrived at 4:30 a.m. By 5 a.m. he had an IV set up with fluids, morphine, antibiotics, another port opened in his other arm, a CT scan telling us what we all knew, and surgical orders for an appendectomy. They flew! Unfortunately, it being a holiday weekend, the surgical resident told us they were still cleaning up orthopedic cases from drunk driving accidents from the night before...although she said she had just done another appendectomy at 2 a.m! It was 3:30 p.m. (they had said between noon and 2 p.m.) by the time he was taken to surgery. (In the meantime they kept checking vitals, monitoring pain and pushing antibiotics.) By the time we were taken to surgery the er had begun treating people in the corridor, so we were lucky we had a private room in the ER to wait in. One case in the corridor was an older man who came in with his wife around noon with a urinary blockage ( I could hear them treating him outside the door of our room.) At one point the doctor said to that patient that he was better off waiting there for surgery rather than going home with antibiotics and waiting to schedule it with his gp after the holiday, even though he was in the corridor, because even in the corridor they could hang pain meds, and oh, behind that door is an appendectomy (us) who has been waiting since 5 a.m.! We were the last case the day surgical team handled and the other patient was going to be the first one the night team handled. When we walked by him as the nurse was wheeling my son to surgery, the patient sat up, held out his hand, and said "good luck." My son responded, "Thank you, sir, you too."
    I confess to feeling a lot of ire at having to wait until the end of the day behind people who were there because of their own stupidity, even though I know their surgeries were more urgent and difficult. All in all, though, start to finish, with appropriate treatment and good outcome, we were back home almost 15 hours from the time we left...minus one appendix! Youngest is recovering wonderfully. About 20 minutes after we walked in the door, eldest came in with teriyaki he had gone out and picked up for us when he heard we were on our way home. I took a quick shower, put on some pajamas, and almost fell asleep over my teriyaki! Bed by 9:30, but I am still eye-burningly tired. In any case, I am slow cooking beef ribs in the oven, and did make a Key Lime pie, but setting a table, pouring holiday mimosas and gathering for the evening isn't happening! DD woke up at 6 a.m. on Sunday, drove up and spent about 6 hours at the hospital with us, and eldest and DH were at home fretting, youngest has no appetite, so it's it's safe to say the household isn't up for much today!

    1. Oh my goodness! You had a crazy time! I'm glad your son is ok, but what a long wait for surgery.

    2. It WAS long, but I was relieved they pushed pain meds and antibiotics immediately. I was AMAZED he had his CT scan so quickly too, even though we all knew what was going on. All in all,not a horrible ER experience, unlike the experience in the past at another hospital to the south. The main thing was they appropriately and QUICKLY intervened even before the CT scan. They also appropriately monitored and treated him during the the wait. Again, we all knew what was going on, which is why the first nurse put in the port in the other arm. Apparently they save routine procedures as the last one of one shift, or they wind up being first one of the next, which is what we were...that is the first AFTER they finished the ortho cases from the previous night. I don't think more pressing surgical cases came in as we were waiting, I think they were still cleaning up that mess. Unfortunately for the recovery nurses, my kid gave them "a run for their money." Poor they are coming off a crazy shift, thinking a routine appendectomy will be a cake walk. Well, he was 2.5 hours in recovery. Had he vomited one more time I think they would have admitted him, because they had given him all the anti nausea medication they could. Poor guy. When w were finally was allowed back there, I started when I looked at him, and said, "he's OUT of it, he looks horrible." The nurse said, "you should have seen him 30 minutes ago. Like I said, he gave us a run for our money!" ALSO: prior to the procedure, that nurse showed some good she was leading us to the surgical waiting area she told me what meds they were going prescribe for discharge and then said, "I tell you this now because it being 4 p.m. on Sunday afternoon, and you living on (hometown) you may want to arrange to get someone to the pharmacy sooner rather than later." Honestly, I hadn't thought of THAT, and really appreciated that she took the time to note our address, so I called DH and dispatched him to the pharmacy. I wish all health care workers were on the ball like that.

    3. Glad he's on the mend. A nurse did the same thing when my dh had his gall bladder out. It was going to be late and pharmacy closed, so they gave me the prescription to get filled before.

    4. Good nurses are worth their weight in gold. Sadly, there are also many stupid and lazy ones out there.
