Friday, May 31, 2024

Cruise savings

I'm not sure if I mentioned it, but I found a way to save another $200 on our cruise, that is coming up in September. Back when we booked it last October, I had to put down $500, the balance due mid June. All of our shore excursions and on ship activities we wanted to do have already been booked and fully paid for. When I logged into my cruise account, to pay the remaining balance I saw a spot to enter a gift card or gift certificate code. Hmmm...wonder if I could find a discounted gift card for Royal Caribbean? Well, I found I could get them 10% off through AARP. I had to pay like $9 for a year AARP membership (and I'm also getting a free gift of a foldable truck organizer caddy type thing), but I was able to buy 4 $500 gift cards for $1800.  There was specific instructions (before ordering) on how they worked/would get applied and my situation fit their conditions/terms.

Then it got scary. I started finding these AARP customer comments that said they purchased the gift cards, but Royal Caribbean wouldn't apply them, said they weren't applicable to their cruise . The instructions had said to email copies of the gift cards (I had e-copies received in emails) to a RCC specific email for gift card redemption and you would hear back from them within 12 days. So, I waited, nervous, day after day. But then this week I got an email back saying they received my gift cards and would be applying them within 10 days. This morning I logged into my account and the gift cards were applied to my balance. Whew! I guess saving the additional $200 was worth the stress of the past week or so ;)

We had frost last night, so I'm glad we put the flowers in the garage and covered up the one's we couldn't move. Hopefully we are done with that nonsense! It is June tomorrow, after all.


  1. I am glad your gift cards worked. The trunk organizer I received had such a chemical odor that I could not bear it to be in the trunk. No one else thought the odor was offensive. Even after airing out the item, it was horrendous.
    Thankfully, you put away all the expensive flowers. Can you post a picture of the plants?

  2. It has been 19 here the last few mornings. All the buds on the lilacs and crab apple tree were frozen. 2nd year in a year we won’t get lilacs or crab apples. I don’t do anything with the apples but the deer love them.

