Sunday, June 2, 2024

A fun Saturday

I didn't get time to post yesterday. We went to a car show in town, that we go to every year. It was super cold out in the morning, but got warmed up to almost 70 for the day. I bought some 50/50 raffle tickets and I won! $383. Heck ya! That was a good investment of $20. The car club uses the money towards scholarships they give local senior kids.

My order of more Torani's white chocolate sauce finally arrived yesterday. I was happy to see the box delivered when we got home and really happy to have a delicious cup of coffee, again this morning. I went straight with all regular sauce this morning, but I will give using half of it and half of the sugar free a try, to see if I can use it up.

I also had ordered this little cheap (I think it was like $4) tool that pulls up cat hair off of furniture/fabric. It works great. I used it on the fabric seat cushion in a rocking chair I have in our bedroom. The cat loves to sleep there and it's always covered in cat hair and while my Shark pet fur attachment works well, this little tool is so much quicker to get it pulled off.

It's supposed to rain again today and tomorrow. Hopefully dh will be able to mow today, it needs it again, already.

I supposed today I will work on some house cleaning. I need to vacuum upstairs and do some dusting everywhere. 

Interesting - we were chatting with a friend yesterday we hadn't seen or talked to in quite awhile. His wife is the one I got the chickens from, 3 years ago. He said just recently 3 of her (6) chickens started acting weird, laying down, and just died. We said the same thing just happened to two of mine! 

I also need to get outside soon and get the flowers watered that won't get the rain coming. The baskets and pots under the front portico, as well as the pots in front of the shop and garage that don't get the rain, due to the roof overhang.

Awhile back we had decided we want to work on keeping some cash on hand, in our safe. When we sold the old safe, for $700 we started with that. DD had just given me 2 $100 bills to chip in on her dad's birthday/fathers day gift and then I have 2 $100 bills from the money I won yesterday, so I'm going to add that to our "emergency" cash stash. The smaller bills from my winnings I'm just keeping in my wallet. They eventually get used for something here and there.

I was going to turn the dishwasher on this morning, before I came upstairs to drink my coffee and look on the internet. I realized I just forgot. I also need to get some english muffins out of the freezer in the garage. I suppose it's time for me to head back downstairs anyway, I need some breakfast.


  1. I wonder if your car fur tool would help dog hair too? Congratulations on your win. It's nice when it's a win win - your donation to a good cause to begin with.

    1. it says it works for dog fur, as well.

  2. What a good win. Please don't share where and that you do stash money. People on the internet are not all as trusting as you are. One prepper had told on a major prepper site what guns and ammunition and other items he had stashed and where. Someone read the prepper site and the fact he was going to be out of town. The thief took everything and did not have to figure out where everything was located. I know you won't be keeping cash at home now.

  3. That is an amazing win! Can never go wrong with a little jackpot!
