Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Dreams and coffee

DD messaged me that she had her first very vivid dream, now that they are sleeping on the grounding mat. She's like me, in that she very rarely remembers her dreams. I told her for me those very vivid dreams lasted about 2 weeks and now they are less vivid and I'm remembering maybe half my dreams now.

Amos was driving me crazy starting around 4am this morning. Up and down. When I got up at 5, to use the bathroom, I booted his orange butt right outside, LOL. I had a good sleep for the next 2 hours until I got up.

I tried about 2/3 regular white chocolate sauce to 1/3 sugar free white chocolate sauce in my coffee this morning. Nope. That sugar free stuff is going in the garbage. It's not even the same color or thickness. When I was trying to make some sugar free vanilla coffee creamer awhile back, I bought some of the Torani sugar free vanilla syrup. The creamer never tasted quite right, and now I'm wondering if it's because of it being sugar free. But, now using the white chocolate sauce and just a little bit of cream, I don't need a vanilla creamer anymore.

I never did hear from my boss about how her meeting with the assistant went. I thought she would at least update me on his schedule - if it's going to stay the same or what. If this is all he's going to be working per week, I'm going to have to start doing at least half of what we've been having him do and there goes my time working on other tasks we're trying to get to.

My side job boss texted me last night that she sent the additional $500 she is paying me, so that was nice to hear. Between that $500 and the almost $400 I won at the raffle, I had a good week of extra money I was not expecting.

It appears tomorrow we start summer weather :)





  1. The Torani must be awful. I don't blame you for throwing it out.

    1. it's just the sugar free that is awful. The regular is heaven, LOL

    2. Right! That is what I meant, sugar-free is awful.

    3. I've tried some sugar free stuff and it's fine. Like I had no problem with the sugar free version of Coffeemate French Vanilla creamer. Wonder why some stuff tastes so bad, LOL.

  2. My earthing sleeping mat was delivered today. I can't wait to get it on the bed. Not sure what that's going to mean for my dreams, though. I already have super vivid, very detailed dreams and remember many of them.

    1. so does my dh, so he hasn't really noticed any change in his dreaming. I'm excited to hear back from you how it works for you. My dd (and me) are still amazed to not listen to snoring anymore, LOL.
