Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Sugar Day 3

Day 3 the headache arrived around 10am. A couple of tylenol seemed to fix most of it. For breakfast I had some Fiber One cereal, no sugar in that, other than what's in the little bit of milk I used. I'm ok with the milk sugar, it's not added sugar. For a later morning snack, I had some cheese.

Lunch is a bit harder, as I haven't been able to get more groceries (tomorrow) that are better alternatives to sugar added stuff. While I was waiting for dinner to cook last night I made some hard boiled eggs. Honestly, now this morning I can't remember what I had for lunch yesterday! LOL. Oh, ya, I ended up having a couple spoonfuls of peanut butter and I "stole" some peanuts out of dh's bag of peanuts for his raven, LOL. And I downed a bottle of water.

The tylenol started wearing off around 4pm and the headache was back. A little bit of brain fog, as well. I guess all part of the detoxing from so much sugar, LOL. Having dinner got rid of the headache. Dinner was the orange chicken with rice, which I tried to adjust for less sugar. It's the orange sauce that comes with it that's full of sugar, so I separated out mine and dh's chicken. I did a taste test on the sauce that it comes with compared to that sugar free orange sauce I bought, and hadn't tried yet. Of course the Costco was sweeter. The sugar free stuff wasn't bad, just a bit more "ginger-y" than I'm used to. For my part I just drizzled a tiny bit of the regular sauce on my chicken and the rest I added the sugar free. I also added less rice to my portion. So, I still got some sugar in the rice carbs, but definitely a reduction, since I was more mindful of it. I also had a very small glass of milk (which is what I usually have with dinner, just a very small glass of milk).

After dinner I did not want a sweet, so that was new. The rest of the evening I was ok. I went outside around 7:15 to water flowers and ended up staying outside for about 45 minutes. When I came in and realized it was 8pm and no sweets craving, so that was good. I also slept fine last night.

In other news my half sis is going to be my assistant come mid July! Yay!!! Everyone's excited. I think my boss is happy she now doesn't have to try to find/interview someone. My current assistant is supposed to work 25 hrs a week starting tomorrow, but we'll see. My sis wanted to wait until at least July 10th to start. She just started a small p/t job, but is in the learning stage, so she's having more hours until she gets ups to speed and then the first week of July she has her older sister staying with her for a week. Plus I want to take off a few extra days around the 4th of July, so I end up with a week off, then (we get the 4th and 5th off). It will take me at least several weeks to train her, so by the time she starts getting in the swing of it, it will be close to the time for the other guy to start law school.

This is where I spotted Amos last evening, apparently contemplating life on an old log perched over the river bank.

I was trying to get closer, for a better picture, but he's a cat.......he moved.

I'm feeling pretty optimistic this morning, starting day 4 of my sugar reduction, but we'll see. I know it can take a week or more for the cravings to go away. I guess I have 2 goals with this - to cut way back on sugar and it's effects of having too much on a daily basis and also hopefully to cut down on the extra fat/pounds I'm gaining as my sugar consumption was going up and up lately.


  1. The guy who is the assistant that is not working out is going to law school?
    Amos posed nicely!
    It seems like you and your sister will make a good team.
    I never had sugar cravings, just chocolate cravings. I seriously ate a lot of chocolate back then. I really liked Chunky bars.

    1. Yep, LOL. I love anything sweet...and I love bread, haha

    2. One, Some bread is better than cake.

  2. Great news for your both you and your half-sis!
