Saturday, June 8, 2024

Sunny Saturday

I almost got my work goal finished by the end of yesterday. I just ended up with a couple of other things I had to take care of, but I'll be able to finish it off first thing Monday and get my week started on working on the next month's numbers.

I'm trying to figure out how to transfer dh's pharmacy prescription to our insurance mail order plan. I've spent the last 20 minutes, but I'm not getting anywhere with it. It's through Express Scripts and I have a log in for him, but it doesn't show his medication. I was thinking I'll bet this Express Scripts log in is from an old insurance plan. I logged into our insurance plan and  through that it had an option to sync your prescription info to Express Scripts. I tried that (using his existing log in) and still nothing shows up.  I guess I'll have to call Monday.  I might should have tried to sync it with a whole new email/log in, but when I go back to try that way again, it's already assuming now I want to use that original email/log in. Why it's not syncing, I have no idea. Maybe I'll try it through a different browser and see.....Nope that didn't work either. And verifying the member ID Express Scripts is showing, it is our current insurance ID, so why his prescription isn't showing up, I don't know. My understanding is even though it's being filled by a local pharmacy, it still gets run through Express Scripts for the Rx.  Whatever, I will call Monday. You'd think they'd just make it easy and have a link for "transfer existing prescription".

Amos keeps digging in my big whiskey barrel planters on the front porch (ie using them as his litter box), so I need to figure out something that will keep him out of those! I tried coffee grounds, but that hasn't seemed to work. I also just read that deer repellent might work, so I'm going to spray that this morning after I do my watering. If that doesn't work, I see there is cat repellent spray you can purchase. 

I took two of the steaks we were gifted and have them thawing in the fridge, hopefully thawed enough for dinner tonight. They are pretty thick, it may take awhile to thaw (I took them out of the freezer around dinner time last night). These steaks are from grass fed, free range, and antibiotic free cows.

At least for now, the community seems to have calmed down quite a bit now that the primary election is over. While having opinions and voicing them is a great way for people to get their message out, the amount of rudeness and vitriol from folks in this little community was pretty disgusting. Sadly, we seem to have to go through it every 2 years now. But, there's always a silver lining and out of this we have added some new friendships with some very nice people.

It's another gorgeous day outside. Yesterday got to mid 80's. I think this is likely a lawn mowing day again.  DD and her dh our at a car show today and already messaging us photos. Looks like a beautiful day where they are, as well. They have 2 Mustangs and have put both in the car show.


  1. My mouth is watering at the mention of steaks!
    My grandson sat opposite me in the pub last week, eating a steak ( I was eating later ) and he let me have his fried onion rings!
    What do you like to serve your steaks with?

    1. It's been so long since we had steak. Usually a vegetable or salad with it. I added green beans last night

  2. Try sticking plastic forks in the dirt, pointy end up to discourage and thwart his efforts. Or, try something similar. You could even get sticks, I suppose and poke them in the ground. Anything that causes him not to be able to dig. One question--why did you furnish him a littler box so close and convenient, they deny him the use? I am sure he is puzzled.

  3. Good luck with express scripts, I had them years ago , hated them. I have 'Specialty meds', every 3 months they put me through hell trying to get my meds on time with their mail order. Also citrus peels might work for Amos. Good luck

    1. I use them for my prescription for several years and haven't had a problem with them. I'm set up on auto-refill and it always arrives in time.

  4. My experience with Express Scripts is that a prescription has to be sent to them to show on your medicines list. If I have my Dr send it to my local Walmart for pickup instead, it does not go through Express Scripts. My health insurance is Medical Mutual, who uses Express Scripts for mail delivery only. I have never tried to transfer a prescription, I don’t go looking for trouble - lol! Deana
