Monday, June 3, 2024

Well, it's Monday

I'm not feeling getting to work yet this morning. I guess I still have 20 minutes to get my mind right, LOL. DH was up at 6am, so when I got up he told me he already made himself some breakfast, so at least there's that :) Though, since that was so early, what do you want to bet when I go back downstairs to get my breakfast (I usually wait until like 8:30, I have my coffee first) he will want a second breakfast, LOL.

When I ordered the shop stool for dh's birthday gift, last week, it said delivery would be like a day or two prior to his birthday. Well, it's was apparently on the fast boat and is getting delivered today. DD said oh well maybe you can get to it and and hide it before he sees it. Nope, haha. He will know FedEx is here before me, plus there's no way I could go out and get it without him knowing. And most likely the box has the company name on it, so he'll know. I guess he's getting his present several days early.

Dh didn't mow the lawn yesterday and it's not happening today - it's steady rain. Neither of us did much yesterday. I started a book, but even with my new glasses, while it's better, I still have a really hard time reading books. The print is just too small. The book seems good, so far, so I have it in my library e-book queue, to borrow and finish reading it that way, instead. I actually find it better to just take my glasses off and read with the book a little bit closer to my face, but this book is so thick and heavy, I get tired of holding it, haha. 

We still have only seen one person (maybe) come and look at the lots for sale next door. Obviously no one is jumping at the chance to buy them up. When these lots were for sale (as 2 separate lots/listings) back in the summer of 2021, almost all the people that came to look at them (and there were quite a few) were from out of state...back when everyone was looking to move due to Covid. Apparently, that has all died down, eh? 

One more day until we get this awful local politics primary over with. We've got 3 races going on (county commissioner position and a state senator and state legislative rep) and this primary has been extremely ugly in our little county. Even our retired friend, who stops in for visits all the time, mentioned how sick of it all he is and he never talks politics. He had a good "saying" someone told him once. "If you want to talk religion go to church. If you want to talk politics go to hell" LOL.

My boss is having an in person meeting with the assistant later this morning. I have no hope that anything with him will change. It's been a year of this and even my boss said in a message to me on Friday that this is on her - she's given him way too many chances. But, I know she will most likely continue to do so. I have a feeling he is one of those types of personalities (I'm sure there's a name for it) that is great at manipulating people - making them feel sorry for them and doing such a great job convincing that they will change/start doing it right, etc. I'm sure he's going to give her a big story on why he's only been able to work 5-7 hours per week, and "oh, I'm done with finals this week and can start working lots of hours next week!". Mark my words.


  1. Your boss needs to speak with whomever recommended this program/ the assistant. This is not right, ya'll did not agree to a super duper flexible schedule like this! Ridiculous.

    1. My guess is that the association with this program my company has is the only reason he's been given a million chances (my boss's words). I mean when he was hired he was told we needed someone 24 hrs a week (but, could be super flexible on when he wanted to work each week/even weekends if he wanted) but to just start working 7 hours a week or less and not even discuss it with my boss....unacceptable. But, it is on her. She has never been like this with anyone else, ever. She has fired lots of low performance employees over the years.

    2. I appreciate why she feels trapped between a rock and a hard place. But even the program where he was recruited from has standards that need to be met. This is unacceptable. Your boss needs to put his foot down or send him somewhere else. He can't even use either of you as a reference at this rate, lol. 24/week in school is tough but you guys are so flexible. He is ruining it for others with this attitude.

  2. Are colleges even still in school. I’m thinking summer sessions have started, and the regular school year is done. He’s a liar, and not even good at it.


    1. If his school follows a quarter system, the spring quarter is still in session. My east coast student on a semester system was home before Mother's Day. My more local student on a quarter system is gearing up for finals this week. East coast student will return to class mid-August, local in mid-September.

    2. Diane - where he attends it's a quarter system and I last day is this Friday 7th. Not sure if he's attending summer quarter, but Fall qtr at this university doesn't start until late Sept

  3. Oh I forget there are schools that even follow the quarter system. All my kids did semesters. Heck when I was in college it was semesters and that was YEARS ago lol.


  4. You mentioned a racial component to this. Well, too many chances with any minority can lead to a sense of entitlement that won't serve him well in the future. Actually, leniency for this long is detrimental to his developing work ethic. I worked with a minority who was just as loosey goosey with the expectations which she never met. I asked her how she expected to get a good recommendation. She said, "Oh, we never use our work. We get a friend who will give a recommendation." So, maybe he has a backup plan. Her allowing him to stay for so long actually hurts the next minority who would do a good job and learn.

    Maybe the lots will go for much less now. But, DAN will not want to cut his losses, I suppose. So, they may sit forever. Was there a clause that stated he had to build before a certain date?

    I suppose if you had to choose between a gift arriving early than late, it would be more satisfying than having to show him a picture of his gift. Is this a stool that can be locked before sitting? I am afraid a stool will roll from under me, or I would have a stool.

    My mother always said, "Mark my word." So do I, but rarely ever hear that said by anyone else.

    1. My boss has not done him any favors in learning how to be in the work force. I think his work ethic has more to do with being young, than his color, but the fact that he hasn't been let go is likely a lot to do with race. There are no clauses on how long to build and very unlikely DAN will want to take less (even though he paid over $80k less PER lot, LOL. I assume the stool locks in place - for the price of it, it better!

  5. Have you tried a Kindle or Kobo? They are much lighter and you can adjust the size of the print.

    1. I use the Libby (or can use Kindle) app with ebooks from the library, and I always adjust the size of the print :). This one I'm trying to read right now is a real book and the print is just too tiny for me, with my old eyes, so I'm going to have to wait until the library ebook is available to borrow.

  6. Since you are able to read better without your prescription glasses, might a pair of readers be helpful? That's what I use, and I buy them from Dollar Tree.

    1. Came here to say the same thing! I have purse readers, work readers, couch readers. They're everywhere. And I call the dollar tree, "DollarAndAQuarterTree" (kind of all one word) since everything went up to $1.25.

    2. That is a GREAT idea! I need to try some out and see.
