Sunday, June 23, 2024

The wait is over

We finally got the lift delivered yesterday morning, around 9am. This installer is coming later this morning to set it up. The driver (not the same driver who supposedly broke down an hour after being told he could deliver it on Monday, the 17th, when we had the forklift here, and then was in our nearby city on Monday anyway? without the lift?) was very apologetic. DH told him it's nothing to do with him and said you know how to tell a dispatcher is lying? the driver replied "because their mouth is moving". LOL. 

Yesterday morning, in my Facebook memories showed up a picture I shared of my neighbor sharing her lovely peonies with me, that she cut. Then when I was outside, watering my flowers, she yells over to me to see if I want some peonies....same day a year later, LOL. Of course I want peonies and fresh flowers in my house!

My 2 peony plants, now in their 5th year look like this on the same day. Clearly I do not have the knack.

My lilac bush is growing and getting bigger each year, so at least that one is filling out
See that tree back behind it, on the right. We planted that 5 years ago and it's not much bigger than it was to begin with. Annoying, LOL.

It was a nice day yesterday and I was out in the morning watering flowers with Amos following me around. Checking out the bird bath after I added some more water to it

Enjoy your Sunday!


  1. Everything grows so slowly here. I’m just glad if it stays alive. 25 years ago I dug up a little tree out in the mountains. It was about 15 inches probably. It was a cute little thing, growing out of some rocks, and I decided I could give it a better home lol. Amazingly it survived, but 25 years later it’s only 6 feet tall. We did plant a couple store bought aspens maybe 15 years ago and they are huge. I’ve also had good luck with lilacs. Most things die the first winter though.


    1. Right?! We've noticed how slowly things grow here and like you are just happy when something is still alive, LOL

  2. How do you deal with the ants on the peonies when you bring them into the house? I am glad at least you only need the guy to install the car lift.

    1. I've never seen any ants on them. Must just be our area/climate but I never see ants around here.

    2. We have ants here which is why I haven’t tried peonies. I’m surprised you don’t see ants, because my climate is colder and drier than yours. Do you worms? We don’t seem to. I’ve put worms out when Dh has them leftover after fishing, but they have never taken off.


    3. I have no idea, LOL. Maybe being on the river? We get worms on the pavement after a good rain. Mostly we have millipedes everywhere.

  3. Peonies are lovely aren't they. Shame they don't last long though, and mine are always full of ants!

  4. Amos has grown into such a handsome cat! x

  5. yippee, the lift!! Ants are friends to peonies, my bestie has a plant that blooms every year and they always have ants, LOL!
