Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Mid week thoughts

I'm so relieved that my side job conversion to the downgraded version of Quickbooks is finally finished. My side job boss now has the converted file on her laptop and good to go. I emailed her instructions (with pictures, LOL) and told her to call me if she wants me to walk through it with her over the phone. Honestly I was so surprised when she texted me a picture of her screen and she got it done all by herself! She said she was holding her breath the whole process, LOL. Computers are not her strong suit.

Today looks very cloudy and gray out and maybe rain tomorrow, plus a drop of 20 degrees. That's ok, good for the lawn and plants.

We hadn't played any pool in awhile. DH has been kept busy with summer here and then he's pretty tired by evening, but we finally played again last night. Except I accidentally banged the knuckle of my left pointer finger on the side of the pool table. That hurt. It's bruised, sore, and I can only bend my finger about halfway.

The sales director for the lift mfg had told dh he'd try to make this delivery fiasco up. There is another part to the lift, that dh wants to get down the road (will be nice to have but doesn't have to have it to work the lift, I have no idea what it is, LOL) and yesterday he offered it to him at half off. BUT, the issue is it's big and heavy as well and you guessed it......needs a forklift to unload. He was trying to find somewhere he could dropship it in the city and pick it up there (they load it onto his pickup) but no luck. I think dh is going to ask the guy that runs our small town lumber store if he could have it dropshipped there. They could unload it from the delivery truck and then onto dh's pickup and he could give them a little cash for the trouble. I'm sure they would do that for him. They should - we've spent enough there over the years, LOL. Then I guess dh's plan to get it off his pickup is to unbox what he can from the bed of his truck or he can likely slide the box off in some fashion.

We've 3 more days until the end of the work month and trying to make our bonus goal. We're not going to make it by much, but we should be good for it. That should be almost an extra $5,000 to me, but often there is also a second bonus this is "discretionary" and I've always gotten some of that, as well. Keeping fingers crossed.

DD got a new haircut yesterday. It's so cute on her. She went quite a bit shorter, just past the top of her shoulders and kind of layered from her chin down to past her shoulders. Kind of a long layered bob, I guess.

I may have to find a new pizza dough. For years I have made a homemade pizza recipe I found using Rhodes Frozen dinner rolls for the dough. It's always been really good - until the past year. The dough just doesn't taste as good anymore. It takes 12 of the frozen rolls, let them sit out (covered of course) for about 3 hours until they are thawed and have risen a bit. Only now they barely seem to want to rise now and now the pizza just doesn't taste the same anymore. I'm bummed because it sure was an easy way to make the crust and it had such a good flavor and thickness to it. What the heck is going on with foods lately?

My assistant is kind of managing his summer schedule, until he's not, haha. He's supposed to work 5 hours a day, M-F. Only he didn't work last Friday. Then yesterday, while doing payroll I asked him if he plans to work the 5 hours per day the rest of this week and he said yes. Then this morning messages my boss he can't start until this afternoon and can only work 3 hours. He has some appointment for school. Like he didn't know this appointment yesterday and supposedly just found out about it at 7am this morning?? My boss told me in one of her "talks" with him about what employers expect etc, she outright asked him how he plans to be a lawyer and show up to court late? His reply?.........."I'll just get a fine from the judge". O.M.G. LOL. That boy is in for such a rude awakening. I told my boss, he'll be working for some law firm and they will fire him.


  1. Does the assistant want to be an attorney or was that just part of a talk that does not concern what he wants to do. If he wants to be an attorney, maybe he should get a job a little closer to court work. His answer shows he plans to make excuses and take a slap on the wrist. Only they may just slap him out of a job.
    At least the company is willing to stay in dh's good graces by making him a good deal.
    How hard did you hit your finger? Is it broken?

    1. Supposedly he's going to be a lawyer - he starts law school in the fall. That's what I said - he needs to get a p/t job with a law firm. My finger isn't broken, I can bend it, but it sure hurts to do that

  2. That young man is not turning into a lawyer - LOL! No firm will do anything but fire him. Your boss, may as well tell whomever got him the job that they need to talk to him seriously - she has done him many favours, do him one more.

    1. if he does become a lawyer, I 'd sure never want to hire him to represent me

  3. He'll never make it through law school with that mentality.

    1. That's what I was thinking, unless he puts more effort into classes, jobs etc. that he cares about. Will probably push the limits on accountability.

  4. What, what an attitude that young man has!!! And how sad really!
