Monday, June 17, 2024

A week

I made it through the week trying to much reduce sugar and bread. My goals are twofold. I don't want as much sugar in my system as I was putting in before, and I'd like to lose a few pounds. I guess I helped the first goal. The second goal? I gained a pound. How does that work?! LOL. I ate fruits and salads most of the week in place of the sugar and breads. 

My takeaways:  It's hard to cut down, but I did reduce sugar quite a bit compared to what I was taking in. Apple slices with a little bit of peanut butter on them is the bomb. I've eaten that for lunch the last 3 days. I am going to be out of apples before my next shopping trip :(  I'm learning to be more aware of what I'm eating in a day and if I do want a treat, I try to make it on a day when I'm really having not much at all in anything else. Or like I did one day, I gave up having the bun with my chicken burger. I bake the chicken in olive oil with salt and pepper, so I don't mind having it by itself, at all.

I did make dh a banana cream pie, but it was not sugar free. It wasn't even banana cream pudding, LOL. I swear that's what I had bought (a couple of shopping trips before) but when I went in the pantry it was vanilla pudding (with sugar). Oh well. With the banana's mixed in, it was still a good pie and my small piece had the sugar free whip cream on it at least. (I've left off the whip cream on top and just add that when I cut a slice). I made dh a cheeseburger for dinner last night and I just had a bowl of the Fiber One cereal, so I didn't feel too bad about the little slice of pie.

We were outside a bit after dinner yesterday, as dh was rearranging things to get ready for the shop lift delivery and install. He moved his pickup out of the garage and moved some things from the shop, where the lift is going, temporarily into the garage. Hopefully they will call soon wanting to deliver (ie, the delivery truck is "repaired" {insert big eye roll}). The install guy is supposed to come next Saturday. Anyway, just before we got started someone pulled in a white pickup down to lot 5 (the furthest of DAN's 2 lots) and it looked like 3 or 4 people were walking around. By the time they left we were back inside the garage, but we saw them pull out and basically come to a stop in front of our gate for a few seconds and then drive by suuuper slow the rest of the way. They kind of did the same thing in front of Mr & Mrs place. I don't know why, but it always kind of creeps me out when people do that, LOL.

When dh talked to that young couple, who's parents are buying the lot next to us, he did give them our phone number in case he or is parents had any questions. Without dh even saying anything about DAN, they said "this seller appears to be an odd guy...." Yep.

Can anyone explain this? So, I have this steam mop I bought awhile back. It only uses distilled water to clean. Every time I use, dh says the smell is awful. "What is that solution you are using? It smells awful!" I'm like it's just water! He has always driven me nuts with things he can smell, so now I don't want to use this steam mop anymore, so I don't have to listen to him throw a fit and turn on fans. It must just be something from the mop itself that emits an odor when the steam is coming through it, I guess.


  1. I am just happy DAN will no longer be coming by :) and he gave you that nice tree for firewood ;) I cannot think why DH can smell a mop with distilled water only? Maybe something in the mechanism of the mop makes it smelly? :/

    1. I'm not sure who's tree/firewood it ended up being, LOL. It was a tree on our side of property that fell and about 3/4th of it landed on his side

    2. LOL I thought you got the whole tree! Either way it is looking UP!

    3. DH did cut up the whole tree. DAN never even knew it blew down onto his side. I'm just not sure who's tree is was after it blew down, LOL

  2. Has your DH always said this, or is it fairly recent? There's a chance there may be mold in the mop mechanisms. Or, if he's always complained, maybe he smells the off gassing of the material the mop is made of, or off gassing of the flooring?? Or, maybe he's just used to a cleanser fragrance covering smells when you clean and the steam doesn't have that. I am someone who has a fairly strong sense of smell...I notice anything different. My DH in the other hand, smells nothing...or claims he doesn't. Either way, I wouldn't use the mop either. Sure, if I liked the mop I would probably say something like "either do it yourself, or quit complaining," but I would quit using it too. Sometimes the griping just isn't worth it. ALSO: We have engineered wood floors here(they're real wood, but only the top 1/4" is oak, the rest plywood...i wanted solid oak like I put in my farmhouse, but getting those delivered was not going to happen when we built this place no matter how much I was willing to pay) In any case, we were told by the flooring people back when we put wood in our farmhouse (circa 2005) to not use a steam mop on any type of wood floors, solid or engineered, due to the possibility of warping.

    1. He's noticed it the last 2 times I used it. You are like him, LOL. - when I say I can't smell something he can he doesn't believe me. Believe us - we cannot smell it! LOL. I'll probably stop using it and go back to my Bona mop and solution. I found I didn't really care much for the steam mop on the (waterproof laminate type) as it also leaves streaks. I did like the steam for the laundry room, bathrooms and especially our big shower pebble stone floor.

  3. I smell everything! Tommy? I have to keep telling him. I got a steam mop and am afraid to use it now. The wood under the carpet is solid. But, the baths are tile and the kitchen is something not wood. And, it is all over 40 years old, so no telling if steam will ruin it or not.
    Practical Parsimony
