Saturday, June 22, 2024

More papers

During my lunch break yesterday I made some more headway on the old papers. There was a smallish stack that I had grabbed out of my mom's filing cabinet (before it went to donation), to keep and go through later. I've managed to throw away most of it now. Most of it was very old tax returns (like 15-20 years ago) and old copies of her retirement account statements. There was an envelope with a few extra copies of my dad's death certificate, so I've kept that (not sure why, LOL). I have her more recent tax returns, as I have been doing them for years. I'm also keeping the extra copies of her death certificate I have and her will/estate paperwork, at least for now. Now that I've gone through everything I'm surprised there was nothing at all in paperwork she may have saved for my grandma, who she took care of everything for. Not even a copy of her death certificate. She passed in 2013.

DH prescription got shipped out yesterday, so he should have it by the end of next week, before he runs out. It's showing about $10 more than the lady on the phone told me it would. So, what I thought would be $5 savings is now $5 more. Oh well.

I'd say I have cut down on 2/3rds to 3/4th of the sugar and snacks I was consuming. One day (on a typical day of eating) I actually added up the calories of all I ate that day. Around 1100 and that seems to be a  pretty typical day now, or at least for 4-5 days a week. There other days aren't too much more. And I've gained a pound. That's pretty annoying. Losing a pound or two would sure give me some additional motivation to keep this up, right?! What, am I just adding calories breathing now? Geez, LOL.

The delivery of the car lift saga continues. The delivery driver called yesterday to say he was going to deliver Saturday. Dh said he was told it would be here today (Friday). Then in asking the driver where he was at that point and he also said he had a stop to make in Idaho dh was pretty skeptical he'd get here Saturday. And the forklift is going back on Monday - we're not paying another $750 to rent it another week, when they shipped this lift from the mfg on 6/11! Then dh talked on the phone quite a while with the sales guy (who basically acted like there's not much he can do) with no resolution either. It apparently took dh putting a bad review on their Facebook page to finally get someone higher up to get involved. Within minutes he had a DM, then a phone call from the Director of Sales. The lift is supposed to be delivered today. The guy installing it says he can still come tomorrow, then the forklift can go back Monday. The Dir. of Sales then emailed dh his cell# and told him to let him know if the lift gets delivered Saturday or not. If not he said he will give dh a full refund on the lift. 

It's just 8am, so I guess we'll see if it gets delivered..........or not.


  1. Well done to DH for taking it up a notch. Sometimes that's the only thing that gets their attention! Years ago, when we first got married and needed the money, my ex wanted to cash in a cheap investment policy that he took out as a marine. The young guy told him there was "only a couple hundred dollars in there" and to leave it, and every time we asked for the paperwork to cancel the policy he ignored us. That's like a red rag to a bull to me so I wrote to head office, who sent me the paperwork, and there was around $3,000 in it - which was very welcome at that stage in our lives!
