Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Mid week

Day 4 - my headache held off until about 1:30pm. Breakfast was Fiber One cereal. Lunch was 2 hard boiled eggs. Once I got the shells off. I was reminded why I so seldom make hard boiled eggs, LOL. I was getting my online Walmart order placed and in the ice cream "section" and was having some serious cravings for a few minutes, there. DH has been chatting off and on with neighbor kid the past few days (he's out of school now) and he asked dh if he had any otter pops. Every summer dh has had me get Otter Pops to share with him (and now his younger sister, who is old enough to visit), so I got this added to my order to pick up tomorrow. I don't like these things, so no temptation for me to eat them, LOL.

Around 2pm I got a sweet craving pretty bad. I can't even open the pantry door. I'll see those dang Hostess cupcakes or twinkies. Around 3pm my head started getting fuzzy again. My brain was telling me, just go have a snack....a sugar'll feel better....I resisted and got myself a slice of ham and a slice of cheese. Between the tylenol and the snack, the headache went away quickly.

I also haven't noticed being super tired as I usually get after lunch, or mid afternoon. But, that could also be because I've been really busy with work the past 2 days and I'm just powering through it. I'll need more days of this to see if it's something new.

I called Express Scripts to ask how to transfer dh's prescription to mail order. The lady was very helpful and was going to transfer it right then, but apparently because the prescription his dr office sent to our local pharmacy was 30 day supply, they needed the dr to give them a new prescription for 90 days, so right then she put a message into the dr office to send them a 90 day supply prescription and suggested I contact the dr. office to tell them it needs to be 90 days. So, I just logged into the patient portal and sent a message and got one back not too long later from the nurse that she submitted a prescription with the mail order for 90 day supply. This will make life a little easier, plus the Express Scripts lady told me the 90 day supply price and it's around $5 cheaper than we were paying.

The price that tradesmen are charging for their services these days is just insane. How are people affording to build a house, upgrade a house, or even have repairs done? DH needs an outlet added to the shop. He'd do it himself, except it needs to be 220v and that's out of his base of experience to want to do that one himself. Based on watching our electricians do our whole shop and house, he knows this is a VERY small job (and simple job for an electrician). Like an hour of time? Even if the wiring and outlet cost a couple hundred, it's still ridiculous. Yesterday he contacted the electrician we used to build our house. Figured this might be $500 at the most. He sent the guy some pics of where it's going and where it is in relation to our electric panel (not very far). The quote came back via email this morning............$1250. Like I said, insane. Our WHOLE shop was done for like $3500. The sad part is dh planned for adding a lift to his shop one day and had the 110 outlet put where he'd need it for the lift to plug in. Well, now 5 years later, the lift he wants changed the kind of motor they use and now it requires 220. Dang!

Dh also needs to rent a forklift again. Their rental price has gone up 10% since a little over a year ago.

Got a kudos from my boss. Last week she had emailed me to set up a check to print for a retainer with a law firm. As I was doing it I realized we paid this law firm a little over a year ago and it was also for a retainer. Apparently we didn't need to use them after we sent the retainer and now are trying to use them again and both my boss and the law firm apparently forgot they already had a retainer on file for us. They are voiding the check we just sent. 

Later this morning I have to go into my doctors office at the city for my 2nd Shingles shot and also have my blood drawn again, to recheck the levels that were a bit high 6 or 7 weeks ago. I'm going to make sure I'm very hydrated for this blood draw, and hopefully that was the issue.


  1. I put in a 220 myself. Just follow all the rules. I would put in an outlet now, but could not get up from I put in a light by back door and thought I had the switch off. I wondered why my fingers were tingling! So, don't go by me.
    Remember that you should not drink before blood draw for blood sugar. At least, that is what doctor tells me.
    I think it is cute the children remember from last summer that you have had otter pops. Ham and cheese slices are certainly a better snack than sweets.

    1. Apparently they "adjust" the blood sugar level if you haven't fasted before the blood draw. At least that's what they've told me the last 2 years, which has made getting a blood draw for that much more convenient. This draw isn't for that, though, its for some other levels that were a bit off.

  2. You can drink water, in fact should, before a fasting blood draw. The last blood draw I had was first thing in the morning, after a particularly rough night of little sleep, and no time to even drink much water before leaving the by. I was dehydrated enough that the medical assistant couldn’t rapidly find a vein, and had to refer me to a draw center rather than continuing to poke me. Both she and the doctor advised me to drink plenty of water beforehand.

    1. I've always been told to drink water and get hydrated. otherwise they can't find a vein in my arm. Last draw I hadn't drank water (forgot I would need a blood draw) so of course the lab tech couldn't find one in my arm, but she was able to do it from the top of my hand, no problem.

    2. Fyi, that was my comment....not sure why it shows anonymous.
