Thursday, June 27, 2024

Bonus and ancestry

Busy morning with work. I haven't even jumped in the shower and gotten dressed. My boss has me trying to enter the bonus payroll batch. In the past we've done live checks, that the payments ended up getting added to the payroll systems after that fact. This time, since we know the info ahead enough time, we can enter it in the payroll system first and then all the payments will be direct deposited. I've never entered a bonus check run before, so I had to call to have someone walk me through the steps. There's lots of boxes to check and uncheck and most aren't very explanatory. I've taken notes, as the advisor walked me through the process, so next time I should be able to do it on my own. I'm glad for the direct deposit. I don't have to wait for the check in the mail and then I don't either have to take it into my bank (50 miles away) or mail it into my bank to get it deposited, as it's too large to deposit via mobile banking.

I've been doing some ancestry research again. It's been awhile and I was hoping maybe I'd finally be able to find something on my great grandmother's history on my dad's side. I could never find who her parents were, to try to go back any farther. I just know her date of birth, death, and that she came over from Scotland in 1912 with my grandfather and his brother to come live with my great grandfather who had settled over here 2 years earlier. I ended up spending about $20 US dollars and accessing the Scotlands People (or something like that) website and I was able to find my g.grandmothers birth record from the parish she was born/lived in. Well, turns out she was illegitimate (it says that below her name) in 1885 but did list both her father and mother's name, occupation and where they lived. Her mother had the same first name. I found that interesting and then as I was then able to find out more going farther back, this name was passed down from mother to daughter for quite a few generations.

From the next 2 census records, (when she was age 6 and 16) it appears my g.grandmother was not raised by her mother or father, but rather by another family. Who the heck is this family? related? In doing more in depth research I discovered she was raised by a great aunt and her husband.

What happened to her unwed mother? This I cannot find. I can't find her listed on any future census, nor that she may have ended up getting married or that she died. What happened to her after she gave birth to my g.grandmother in 1885? This the mystery. Maybe one day I'll find more information. I'm going to work on her father and see if I can find any more info on him - maybe that will give me some info on the mother, but nothing I can find yet shows they ever married each other.

I paid for a month of ancestry, so hopefully I can add some more to it. I also came across my dad/his father/his father, listed on someone else's family tree. In looking at her tree (she lives in the UK) we appear to share a set of 2nd great grandparents. I sent her a message, so we'll see if she replies. It appears she is about my age, as well.

We found out who is buying the other lot in our neighborhood - from the info we now have, it appears some 79/80 year old couple bought it. Again, my mind just cannot comprehend being 80 years old and wanting to build a house for a year or two. It's time consuming and stressful and even just the sheer amount of decisions to make wear a person out, LOL.


  1. I will be 78 in September, and I would build a house.

  2. Hiya, I follow your blog daily. I live in Ireland and love Ancestry. You may not be able to find your relative for something simple like surname spelt incorrectly if you want me to look anything up for you my email is
    I also can get Scotlands people

  3. Hi....I have a us ancestry account. I will be happy to help you with information. I have helped folks. I am not an expert but I have a lot of resources. Let me know if I csn help.

    1. Hi, I do have a account for world records. I'm just stuck on this one relative in Scotland, even trying to use the ScotlandPeople site. Thank you!

  4. I love ancestry! I also purchased it for one month to do some research. I have a family tree on both sides back several generations. How cool is that?

    1. it's crazy how far back you can go! I started it years ago but just pay for it like a month at a time every so often when I want to play around with it some. It always kind of boggles my mind to see how each level of great grandparents doubles and to think...if just one of them had made a different decision, or died before having their child(ren), we wouldn't be here.

  5. One great site, and it's free, is It's run by the LDS church. I was having trouble with my mother's family (which is funny, because that's the American side) and they have found records as far back as the 1600's! Every weekend it seems I have another record, hint or update from them.

    1. thanks for the info! I will check that out as well

  6. I'll second family search. And it's free!!
