Thursday, June 20, 2024

Doors and more

Our electricity shut down was for about 3 1/2 hours. DH was out mowing the lawn for most of it. I took a nap for half of it, LOL. The rest of the time we sat on the patio in the nice sunshine. I could tell from my phone when the power came back on because it switched from LTE back to wifi. I said to dh the power is back on and he's like how do you know? I just said because I'm psychic. haha.

Our big shop door is finally getting replaced today. That is sure an expense that hurt :/.  The door guy emailed me yesterday morning that the door is in and he wanted to come next week. I said anytime, just let us know. Then he called dh yesterday afternoon and wanted to see if he could come today.

I can't remember if I mentioned that on Monday I called Social Security again, on my mom's final payment. The lady said it's still showing in process, but that it's a long time to still be in process considering they've had the form I filled out since April 4th. I said yes, the first guy I talked to said it should be processed in 45 days from that date. She said she put in a request for a status update, so maybe that will help get it moving. I was telling my boss and she said she never could get the $255 death benefits out of them, for her husband that passed away almost a year ago. She finally gave up. Good grief! People die DAILY in this country who's widow or dependent is owed the $255. She's proven she was married to him. What a totally ridiculous system. Now I'm thinking I'll likely never see my mom's last payment (unless I just keep pushing for it), or it will be years before I do. 

Also, my uncle did finally get his inherited IRA transferred to his bank, so I don't have to hear about that anymore ;). Which reminds me, I'll have to give him a call this weekend, as then it will be about 2 weeks since we talked/texted and I try to check in with him (or he will with me, as well) at least once a month.

Getting dh's prescription transferred to mail order is getting annoying. After they got the order from his doctor (the 2nd try) it said "in process" last week. I just checked online to make sure it's been shipped. Nope. It says "on hold until 6/21". When they do mail it typically takes a week to get here. He will be out of meds by the end of next week. Just ship the damn med out, for goodness sake. I have my meds on mail delivery and when it's time for the refill they have always processed it and mailed it so I get it in plenty of time before I run out.

I noticed my computer's hard drive storage is about maxed out. I'm still trying to figure out what is causing it. I have deleted a few programs and files I don't use, but it barely helped. I know it shows Teams as 1GB, but my hard drive is 237GB. I'm sure the new Quickbooks Pro I added takes up some space, but I'm not seeing how much. I'll have to do some more checking on this. I really don't want to have to deal with getting an new computer right now. I've had enough headaches to deal with.  I just looked it up on google and it says QB Pro only takes up 2.5GB. I don't even have that many programs on my computer and even if 10 of them are as large as QB, that's only using 25GB out of 237.


  1. When my mom passed way the owner of the mortuary told me that only a spouse could get the $255 death benefit. Doesn't make much since to me as everyone has to be laid to rest somehow.

    1. Yes, only a spouse or a qualifying child (like one who is still a dependent). My boss certainly qualifies as a spouse and there's no reason Social Security shouldn't process this kind of thing in a timely fashion. She said she was on the phone with them one time for 3 hours and has finally just given up trying to collect it. She said she already supplied proof with their marriage license and a copy of the deed to their house where they are both listed.

  2. I would not give up on that issue. Maybe you could go over their heads. Contact your congressman or someone like that. It is just plain wrong.
    Remind me--what happened to the garage door?
    When my hard drive was so full, I forgot what was eating up storage. But, I was so lucky to have a friend who worked for a NASA company who fixed my computer for free.

    1. I don't plan to give up on the SS payment for my mom (it's over $2000) but it sure is annoying. The big door on the shop was not closing (something broke) and dh tried to fix it himself and the door came slamming down and ruined it from the impact.
