Monday, June 10, 2024

Day 2

I'm 48 hours in with very little sugar. I did have a slice of bread (that has 4 grams of sugar) in it, with a little peanut butter, for lunch, but that was the only sugar for the day. I seem to get through the day ok (compared to I used to grab at least a snack or two with sugar) but the hardest time seems to be right after dinner. I want something sweet, for some reason. Then I'm ok until about 8pm and craving again. I just drank more water, LOL. 

I didn't sleep very well last night. I slept ok for the first couple of hours, but right before dh came to bed I woke up and my heart was beating fast. After a bit I got up, had some water, and then I was ok not too long after that.

My coffee tastes like crud, LOL. I only have one cup a day, I love having my cup of coffee all sweetened to perfection, first thing in the morning. I'd say this part is the hardest. I'm tempted to just go back to my sugar free french vanilla (Great Value brand) creamer. I gave that up 6 months or so ago, because I was trying to get away from the processed stuff in it, but the only thing I've managed to come up with that tastes good to me, was the white chocolate sauce. Right now my creamer is organic heavy cream, monkfruit and vanilla extract. It tastes good on it's own, but added to my coffee doesn't seem to have the flavor. I wish I could be like my dd - she hardly sweetens her coffee at all.

For the orange chicken, I remembered yesterday that I had bought some sugar free orange sauce to try, so I will try that next with my part of the chicken pieces. I guess I'll have to give up having the white rice with it :(

Here's a funny from our little neighbor boy, who just turned 7. He was chatting with dh, about motorcycles and Harleys. DH said he likes Harley's. Boy told him he's too "elderly" now to ride a motorcycle" 😂😂😂


  1. Our pastor told a funny last night at church. Last week was VBS and he talked to each class at some point last week. One discussion with six year olds included the fact that everyone dies at some point. He said he hoped they were all very old when that happened and mimicked a hunched over person with a cane. THAT SAME DAY, one of those kids told an older man who was volunteering, "You're going to meet Jesus soon." Because he's old (and has a cane.) *facepalm*

    1. That's hilarious. Kids are so funny. The funny part was the neighbor boy was telling dh his grandpa (same age group as dh, LOL) has 3 motorcycles and apparently he must think his grandpa isn't "elderly"

  2. That is where the Hershey bar came in--right after dinner. After that, I would open a can of turnip greens with no salt and eat that. I would put about 1/3 cup in coffee cup, heat and eat. If I was still hungry or hungry a little later--repeat. If your creamer means so much to you, have it and cut back elsewhere. Have you read the bad things about xylitol?
    How tall are you?

  3. My grandmother kept a big bag of peanut m and m's in her freezer. After dinner she would dole out exactly 5 candies each for herself and my grandfather. She said that did the trick to help with sugar cravings after dinner. Best of luck!

    1. My dh loves peanut M&M's and of course we found the huge jar at Costco, LOL. His trick is he had me hide them and when he wants some (in the evenings) he has me get them out of my "secret" spot (I'm sure he knows where it is) and I put a small handful in a little bowl for him and then hide the jar again.

  4. I put the Chips Ahoy near Tommy's chair where I cannot see them or reach them. When I want a few, he gives them to me.

    1. You do need a certain amount of carbs each day, so don't go too low with those. I eat Uncle Ben's parboiled rice and love it. Have you tried that instead of white rice which is like eating pure sugar?

    2. I haven't and will look into that rice. I'm more going to concentrate on reducing all the junk food/sweets and that high sugar coffee sauce, and maybe cut down a little on the carbs

  5. When I first started drinking coffee (at an age most Americans would find shockingly young) I drank it black, wit no sugar, because we rarely had milk in the house, and I couldn't bear the powdered creamer my mother used. It was only with my first pregnancy that I started adding half and half, to try to up my milk intake. Now, I can't figure out how I managed to drink it black! I don't like sugar in my coffee, but occasionally one kid will bring me back a fancy shmancy latte, (remember, there's a coffee stand every two miles in these parts), which usually leaves my stomach churning. I don't know how my kids can stomach those things! The only sweet coffees I really like are the dessert coffees my father would serve after holiday meals growing, cream and a nice shot of a sweet liqueur, with the proportions changing as we got older!
    By the time you read this, you will have another low sugar day behind you! Way to go. I feel inspired by you, to the point that I declined a chocolate brownie with white chocolate chips and pecans with my post dinner coffee tonight. (No, no's not a holiday.) As for carbs... nope, nope nopity nope. Sweets are one thing, but bread? That's the staff of life! LOL. Keep at it, One. You've got this.

    1. My mom always drank hers black - same as you, she started young and that's the way she thought it was supposed to be, LOL. I grew up in the 70's - sugar cereal, sugar soft drinks, so probably why I still need everything to taste sweet. Funny about the coffee shops everywhere (I know exactly what you mean!) my boss was just telling me about her meeting up with the assistant at a coffee shop they decided on...only there was apparently 2 of the same with in a block or two and they each went to different ones, LOL.
