Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Looking forward

I had a phone chat with my boss yesterday afternoon. It sounds like the plan is to let the assistant work whatever he can work through the summer (and we still don't know what his plan is for that. He's supposed to let her know next Monday) and start looking for a replacement person that can work like 24 hours per week and be consistent with working this amount of hours every week. Even if we have some overlap between the 2 positions for a bit, that would be ok. His lack of work the past 2 months has now gotten me behind 2 months from where I want to be. Then at the end of summer she will let the assistant go. 

I've been happy and relieved I haven't had any slow internet issues for a couple weeks now. Hoping it stays that way.  

My uncle finally got his inherited IRA money. Well, so he said in a text yesterday. Then he called me and said to get it set up he needed mom's info, date of birth, SS#, address, date of death. So, I just emailed him a copy of her death certificate and my address. I'm assuming this info is so he can get it set up as in inherited IRA with his bank for the tax purposes. It never seems to be over, LOL.

Our state primary election is over. Thankfully that lying, smarmy guy in our district trying to get in, was in last place out of 3 running. Not to mention he's a total bigot, which he was really starting to show his colors on that the last few days. I think my dh had a pretty strong hand in his loss, mostly behind the scenes, but also as a vocal (mostly written) voice. Even our Mr. Neighbor, who's part time job has him out and about seeing people all the time, said he was telling everyone he came across not to vote for this guy. 

It looks like DAN will be burning his huge brush pile today, or soon. He had a water truck delivered later yesterday afternoon and it's parked there. He has no well/water, so hence the need for the water truck. That pile is too huge to try to burn without a water source available. Plus, we've been having lots of strong wind gusts the past several days.  

Mr Amos showed up at the back patio door last evening .....with a dang chipmunk in his mouth! He has never even come close to getting a chipmunk before. It was dead and dh is wondering if Amos found it that way, as it was missing part of it's tail. Anything I've seen Amos catch, that's alive, he will, of course play with it for quite awhile and he wasn't out long enough to even have some play time with his "catch". It was another reminder of why we opted out of having a pet door on the house, LOL.


  1. Assistant will now have a fairly long work history at one place, long time for a student. He will look successful. I would sure like to see his success at the next job where they actually expect something of him.

    I lived in the city, and I would have had cat, dogs, raccoons, possums, chipmunks and all sorts of critters in my house if I had had a dog/pet door.

    Bigots need to be voted out everywhere!

    Do you not have a burn ban for certain times?

    1. Assistants goal is to be an attorney. I think I'll pass on hiring him for that! We have a burn ban when it gets too hot and dry and it's "fire season", but that date it starts just depends on the weather. Right now it's still ok to burn (though a permit is needed). Probably by the end of this month there will be no more burning allowed.

  2. I think your assistant is a fool. He was obviously onto a nice little number so may get quite a shock at the next place he works!

    1. He's obviously bright and intelligent. Hopefully as he matures he can figure out some communication skills and work ethic. He will be some law firms problem to deal with LOL

  3. As a longtime reader who currently works remotely (and would be WAY more reliable lol), you should post the job here!!

    1. If I wasn't trying to stay anonymous with my blog, I would :) I'm working on hiring my half sister for the position. I think it might be a win for both of us.

  4. Your assistant had a dream job - but took it way beyond what is appropriate. He could have worked 24hrs a week all summer long, and maintained x amount during the semesters. It is definitely his loss.

    1. For sure, especially when we gave him total leeway on when he could work the hours. Evenings or weekends was also totally fine
