Sunday, June 16, 2024

Neighbor news

We now have info on who bought the lots next to us. It turns out DAN ended up selling each lot separately. DH went outside last evening to put out some peanuts for his raven and never came back inside, LOL. I was watching something on my ipad and just assumed he had gone out to his shop to fiddle around. Turns out he was out there, standing at the fence talking to people. When he went out he saw a car in front of the lot next to us, but didn't see anyone, then as he was going up to our side lawn he saw a young woman and said hi, did you just buy this? She said no, her mother in law did. Then her husband walked up and dh being dh, he talked a lot and got lots of info from them :)

The guys parents live part time in Illinois and part time in Texas and now they want to live part time in Montana and part time in Texas and tasked the son (who lives about an hour away from us) with finding them some property on a river or lake. They inquired with the realtor about just this lot and was told "it's one lot, 4 acres". They said well the ad says it's 2 separate lots, so we wanted to see if the seller was interested in selling one lot. The message from DAN was, if he's selling the lots separate then the price is $250k and their lucky he doesn't make it start with a 3" (told you he was a Douchebag Asshole Neighbor). So, they passed and continued their search. Then a couple weeks later the realtor called and asked if they were still interested, as apparently someone else now wanted to just buy lot 5. At this point they said they also got the impression that DAN was needing the money (which we also gathered since he lowered the price of his house for sale 2x in less than a month).

So, this couple purchasing it must be around our age, as their son and his wife were about my dd's age. DH brought up the covenants and he said his parents live in an HOA now with no problems and they have totally read the covenants. They will also just be summer residents. He also said his dad is very meticulous.

So, we at least have some hope now that we will end up with some decent neighbors. We are still hearing that it's like a year wait to get a well dug, so my guess is there won't be any building started this summer (they are supposed to close on the property next month). Next year could be a busy year in our neighborhood as the couple that has owned lot 6 for 4 years, plans to start building next year. We don't know who purchased the other lot, yet.


  1. At least, you will be rid of DAN. And, you can be pretty sure they are pleasant or not obnoxious.

  2. That is about how long it took the driller out here to dig our well. I was afraid the well permit would expire before they started!

    1. We got lucky with ours.While we weren't going to have a super long wait when we built, the very nearby forest fires started that summer and the well diggers were basically shut down to dig unless it was on gravel. The well guy called dh that week the fires started and said what's your land like? DH told him, it's all cleared for building/dirt in the digging area and they came out 2 days later and we had a well, early.

  3. Sounds like you might be getting nice neighbours after all. Fingers crosse!

  4. The couple will appreciate that your dh took time out to chat to them. They'll be able to report back to his parents that they'll have nice next door neighbours! x

    1. Yes, I'm sure they did report back, at one point when I finally realized dh was outside talking to them and I had looked out the window I saw one of them take a picture of our place, haha. I'm sure to show the parents.

  5. Oh this is fun. I am hoping all the new neighbours are good eggs!

    1. We all (including other neighbors) are hoping for some good ones!
