Friday, June 21, 2024

Clean up

I managed to do a little computer "clean up" and got my hard drive space back up to almost 54GB available. At least it's not showing as RED anymore. My downloads folder was also pretty huge and after going through that and doing more deleting, I got the available space up to 55.4GB. My download folder is mostly all pictures, because I will send pictures to myself from my phone, to Messenger and then download to my computer to either send in a message, email, or use to post a picture here on my blog. I haven't deleted most of the downloaded picture files yet. I should. Obviously they are already on my phone and don't need to be both places.

DH's new shop door is installed. The 2 guys who showed up were really good workers. DH also had them replace the seals around all the other doors, as well.

One of our next projects needs to be re sealing all the concrete (you can see it's gotten pretty sad and tired looking). DH tried to find someone to hire but no luck. When all our concrete was originally done he did the sealing himself, with a roller (big job), but he's done some research and it's recommended to use a sprayer. That would be much easier, so his plan is to buy a good sprayer and do it. But, waiting a bit until it's not so much pollen in the air, so it doesn't all get stuck in the sealant before it dries.

Then at the last hour or so of working yesterday I decided to do some more clean up. I have a box of papers (well more than one box) I started going through. I put in 3 piles: garbage, shred, and keep/look into more before tossing. I now have a large kitchen garbage bag stuffed, a small pile to shred and a medium pile (put back in the box) to organize better. I also went through a couple of shelves in my bathroom cabinet and threw out quite a few things.

Guess who didn't get a 24 hours notice of delivery on the lift yesterday? Shocker, I know! I can't believe the total ineptness of this transport company. Not the mention they just don't give a damn. We rented the forklift for a week. It's supposed to go back on Monday. At this point, if they don't deliver between now and first thing Monday morning, dh is thinking about letting the forklift go back and when they call to want to deliver he's going to say, sure - rent me a forklift and I'll take the delivery or just don't deliver it and tell the dealer he wants his money back.


  1. I cannot imagine how this is okay with anyone, even the delivery company!

    1. You wouldn't think it would be this hard to put something on a truck and deliver it.

  2. Aren't productive days wonderful. You can see how decluttering can make people feel energized. And your new door is lovely!

    1. It has inspired me to keep decluttering. Papers are my worst, but I'm getting there, finally.

  3. The new door looks amazing. I am sorry this delivery is so difficult, you guys just get the worst luck sometimes with your stuff.

    1. The door guys did a great job and at least that all went very smoothly (other than it took a couple weeks longer to get then we were told, we weren't in any big hurry)
