Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Still no money coming

I got nowhere with Social Security. After being put on hold for a good bit, the lady came back on and said the form I had submitted to request it be paid to me is still showing being processed. I asked how much longer it was estimated to take and she said she didn't know, try back again in a couple of weeks. So now 6 weeks has turned into at least 8 (from when they got the corrected form).

The other call I had to make was more productive. Looking into the options for getting a cheaper accounting software with Quickbooks for my side job. I was surprised to learn that they said they are able to downgrade the file. The person I spoke with had me access some data from the Quickbooks company that told her it's a relatively small file and within their parameters to be able to convert it to a lesser QB version, so that was good news. Otherwise it would have cost my side job an additional $500 to have a 3rd party do the conversion. Getting a different/cheaper version of Quickbooks will save my side job company about $1800 per year.

In my attempts to try more store brands and see where I can save, I have found some decent savings in the black forest ham lunch meat dh has in his sandwich, every day. I already knew the Great Value brand was ok for us, but I mostly buy the Land O' Frost brand, kind of mid priced at $5.83/lb. I prefer the packaging over the plastic tubs. I already have enough of those saved for leftovers, that I just throw them away. Then in searching more I saw they offer a 2 lb pack of the ham, sliced, in a zip sealed bag. It's a $2.12 per pound cheaper. That's a lot. The slices are thicker, so I just use one slice of the ham now and 2 slices of the thin turkey. I usually buy the oven roasted turkey breast and they don't carry that kind in the GV 2 lb package. But, saving $2 per pound on the ham is a great deal, since he eats it daily.

We had the loudest thunder crack I think I've ever heard last evening. It sounded so close. Then it rained and that was the only thunder. 

I don't know what I did to mess up my firestick remote last night, but I had to watch my show from my ipad. Somehow I think I got the remote unpaired from the tv and the instructions I found on how to fix that involves unplugging the firestick, which is in the back of the tv, up above the fireplace mantel and hard to reach. Maybe one of these days I'll fix it, LOL. The show is over with tonight anyway and not likely I'll even be watching anything from it anyway.

One lone remaining chicken seems happy enough. She's even laying eggs more often then she was. I had a feeling the eggs I was getting (even with 3 hens!) were almost all from her and they were. 

Time to get logged into work. Two more days :)


  1. I am glad you're getting an extra long weekend coming up! Do you think you'll get more chickens or ?

    1. I haven't decided yet. If I do, it won't be until next spring. I like the eggs, but not when they get sick :/

  2. She could become depressed and quit laying. But, a new hen would cause friction unless you keep them separated to become acclimated to each other.

    1. I always felt a bit sorry for her with the other 3 hens - she was always by herself and even the last few days of that last chicken's days, she was picking on this one!

  3. Would you mind post the Grounding Mat link again?
