Thursday, May 30, 2024


Last evening, after dinner, we suddenly got some super strong winds for just a couple of minutes. I thought I heard something, but just figured it was the wind rattled something. A little later dh was out on the back patio and realized a tree went down! It was near the property line between us and DAN and fell onto his lot. DH got out there this morning and now has it all cut up (took him all of 10 minutes) and is now getting it all moved into our firewood pile.

I guess DH will just have to have a trespasser today, LOL. It was a dead tree, so at least there's that, and glad it fell that way and not towards our house. Also, we had looked into running our side fence all the way to the top of the bank and that tree would have knocked it down, so now glad we didn't end up fencing there. (the fence guy wanted way too much money for a short section of fencing).

I had made dh's dr appt online and a few hours later someone from their office called me that the dr really didn't have that appt. in June available, and the first opening is August (he's semi retired now, I guess), so I took that appt. for him. Also, when I was getting rescheduled to August, I told the girl he also needed to have a lab test ordered. She tried to tell me, well, he can come in for his appointment and if the doctor needs the test he can put in an order. I said, no. He definitely needs this test, based on his previous history and we want to have the results when we see the doctor, that is part of the reason for the visit, in the first place. So, then she had to transfer me to the nurse, who was completely ok with that and will put in the order with the lab at our local hospital. I also got her to call in a refill on his prescription. I just called the pharmacy in town to make sure they got it and they have it ready to pick up, so I will run in there around lunch time to pick it up.

DH's birthday is coming up, so dd and I are going in together to get him a rolling stool for the shop he's been wanting. They are very expensive, so that's why we decided to join funds and it's also her Father's Day gift, LOL. It's definitely not a cheap Harbor Freight stool (though not knocking HF at all, they have a lot of very good stuff for great prices) and should last him forever.

It was supposed to maybe freeze last night, so we ended up bringing in all the flower baskets and pots we could, into the garage and covered the others. I don't think it quite froze, but when I got up it was 37, so we probably didn't need to go to all that trouble, but like dh said - we spent hundreds on these flowers, lets be safe than sorry. It's also supposed to get down to freezing again tonight, so one more night of it. Good grief - it's almost June!


  1. Wow! How long will your new firewood stash last? That's a great way to use up a fallen ree :D

    1. Probably forever LOL. We don't do too many fires. The smoke always irritates me

  2. Fallen trees are always a bit scary. I'm glad you'll be able to use the wood, even occasionally.

  3. Can DAN tell you had a tree fall onto his property and that you cut it?
    Don't you hate it when the person who answers the phone tries to make medical decisions for you??? I had one deny me an appointment for a test. I was furious.
    I want a rolly stool, but am afraid it will roll me and make me fall when I try to get up or down. I am quite sure he would rather have one very nice gifts than several okay gifts. I would.

    1. No, now that it's all cleaned up, he couldn't tell it happened. I think the benefits of getting older and wiser is I now know I can speak up and press for what I want, like the lab test. This stool I'm getting dh is a low stool - he'll probably have trouble getting up, LOL

  4. My first thought was I wonder if DAN will kick off about you stealing "his" wood too!

    1. DAN will kick off no matter what the issue would be, LOL. Considering he had someone come and take away all the wood he cut from his trees last year, I doubt he would want it. I was joking with dh "you should just cut the log right where it crosses the property line and leave his side.

  5. This reminds me of the the time we had a section of tree fall on a neighbors fence. We paid to have it fixed even though by law here in Indiana once it hits his property line it is his problem. We almost evened out when his tree hit our fence. He kind if fixed it lol but we didn't push it since we were replacing that fence the next year. We spent $15000 on tree removal and trimming the year before last and still have some that could use some attention and we only live on about a half acre. It is great that the tree did not cause damage and your stack of wood looks very nice and uniforn:) Busted&Disgusted
