Thursday, June 1, 2023

A busy and/or lazy week

Day 4 of my week off work. I don't wanna go back, LOL. At least I know I will not be bored when I do finally get to retire (unlike my neighbor).

Yesterday was pouring rain (again). It was supposed to be sunny and 75 from what the weather report the day prior said. We drove into the city to see my mom. Stopped at Lowe's first to get some lawn grub killer granules. DH noticed they had some full wine barrels and he's been wanting 2, so since I didn't spend the money I had set aside for the flea market, we bought those instead. He wants to put one at the corner of the shop for the downspout to go through. He wants to use the other one as a cover for our well casing. I think I will stain them first, though. That shouldn't take much time, I just need to decide what color stain I want to use. We have quite a few different stain colors from all our past projects.

My mom was doing fine and as expected we had the same 30-40 minute conversations over and over. Her neighbor lady that she shares a bathroom with, we've realized, rarely ever leaves her room. I have never seen her out in the common area.

Groceries got picked up and then we were hungry for lunch so tried Chick-fil-a again, this time getting some sauce with our chicken sandwiches, so they weren't so dry. Still not near as good as Wendy's was and honestly, just not that good at all, overall. I do love their waffle fries, though. We are going to have to just go back to Wendys. DH usually wants a burger anyway, and I'll just have to get a burger there now, instead of a chicken sandwich.

Today I'm doing guest bedroom linen laundry. I may make a cheesecake, too. I bought the ingredients, as well as some caramel sauce to drizzle over the top. 

And a nap, definitely a nap will be on the schedule for the day.


  1. I'm glad that you are enjoying your week off. Sometimes we do need a bit of laziness and some naps. Hope, the weather will be wonderful and you can enjoy sitting outside.

  2. I am reading about the CFA sandwich in disbelief. One of the best things about the ones I get is that they are so juicy and tender, almost falling apart. I wonder why yours are so dry.
    Why does the woman not leave her room? Do you think it is just her personality or is she so far gone she does not like doing things?

    1. the chicken itself isn't dry but it's very dry bun with no sauce. I also didn't like that my bun was practically falling apart every bit I took. I'm just not a big fan and don't see what the big deal is about their food to the point when they opened here, the first weekend it was lines across the street and cops directing traffic. Those people must have waited hours. No thanks, LOL

  3. I’ve never understood the hype over chick-fil-a. If it was right across the street from my house I would still never eat there.Highly overrated in my opinion, but I just plain don’t like fast food very well. I do like 5 guys ok, but that’s about it. I only eat fast food when we are traveling. My kids eat it all the time. I’ve never understood eating it when you’re close to home, but based on the lines I see, most people don’t agree lol. There’s a McDonald’s a mile from me and I’ve been there twice since they built it 15 years ago.

