Thursday, June 8, 2023

Aches and Pains

Contractors are just seriously the worst. No call back from either of the ones we are trying to deal with right now.  

I think the pillow behind my back at my desk chair helped. I did not have much problem after work yesterday with my back hurting. If this helps, I'll get some other pillow or cushion. I took a throw pillow off a guest bed, lol, and I will need to return it ;)  I also seemed to have gotten rid of my issue with plantar fasciitis that I finally realized was making my right calf hurt for so long. I did the foot stretching and realized a week or two ago it's not bothering me anymore, so that is really good.  Now I just need to figure out what is going on with my finger(s), haha. It's mostly my left pointer finger, just below the knuckle. It just hurts when I bend my finger in and especially first thing in the morning. My fingers feel stiff. My right hand finger is a little bit doing it, too. Arthritis?

DD and SIL will be here tomorrow evening for Father's Day weekend. No plans, other than probably just hang out here. May go out to dinner Saturday evening. Weather is supposed to be crummy anyway.

I spent half of yesterday at work wearing my boss's hat. It's kind of ridiculous the stuff she has to deal with. Lots of hand holding to help people do their jobs, but I guess that's why she gets paid the big bucks. Yesterday was me getting looped in on an issue/emails she had been working on last week but didn't get resolved. I provided the info I was asked for and then saw the email by co-worker that she's stumped at this point, doesn't know how to resolve it. At the time I hadn't read through the whole email chain, as I was just providing the info/docs requested and thought she had it under control. So, then I read through it all to figure out the exact issue and then I searched back to some emails a year ago, looped in another coworker who appeared to have the info she needed. He did and it was quickly resolved. I think that is my boss's daily job - just figuring out stuff and putting out fires.



  1. Are you celebrating Father’s Day week early? My calendar shows it’s the 18th. Now I’m second guessing myself!!

    1. I guess we are!! LOL. I never even looked up the actual date, DD just said they were coming that weekend, for a late dh birthday and Father's day, so I assumed it was this weekend. Whatever works, I'm just glad they are coming ;). Her dh's birthday is the next weekend and they will be out of town doing something that weekend.

  2. From your comments, I, too, thought FD was this coming weekend.
    Now you know a pillow helps! My index finger hurts, too, really bad, and it's starting to hurt on the other hand. Arthritis, diabetes, typing??? I have no idea. Shaking it off seems to help.

    1. It's definitely not diabetes in my case, and always feels the worst when I first wake up. But even now, later afternoon the finger is still a bit achy

    2. I meant the diabetes for me. However, I asked Tommy his first clue he might have diabetes. He said his arms tingled. My arms have never tingled. Maybe just typing is your problem.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Our oldest son as an elementary school student got up on "Parent's Career Day" and told his class that his father was a firefighter. When he came home and told us this we asked, "Why did you tell them that?" His reply was, "Well says he's always putting out fires at his office". lol

  5. Some people are just too lazy to read and want you to do it for them. I used to HATE those long email chains, but at least I read them as I went along! Don't miss ANY of that though!

    1. In this case the coworker honestly didn't know about the emails from a year ago related to this or that the other employee would have the info. She was just trying to help resolve it since my boss was out for the week.

  6. Sorry to hear about those annoying aches and pains. I get them if I haven't been to the swimming pool - that seems to sort me out.I think its a circulation thing with me; very cold arms and legs in the evening.
