Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Wishy washy Wednesday

Dh tried calling the asphalt sealing guy again yesterday. He didn't leave a message this time. The guy knows he missed a call and it shows the number. A couple days ago an ad showed up on Marketplace or somewhere dh saw for asphalt sealing by someone from a couple hours away, but advertising in our area, so dh messaged them. They said they'd be out Tues afternoon to measure and they were. They are to also email the quote, so again, waiting on that, but not holding our breath it will be reasonable. They also said they can't do it until July (later July I think dh said). 

As dh saw them turning into our street he opened the gate so they could pull in, but they just parked out along the edge of the street. As dh is standing there talking to them, out of nowhere come the neighbor kids on their bikes...and oh hey...the gate is open so that means they can just pull in and turn around on their bikes! This is with an adult who was walking with them, too. Two days down.........

Dh sent the fence guy a text that thanked him for coming out and giving us a quote, but we're going to pass, as it's out of our budget of what we were expecting it to cost. Dh did some online searching about costs and for a fence like ours "per post" it's like $65 a post (on the high end of the scale). This guys bid works out to 4x that per post.

I received a medical imaging bill from my mammogram and the needle biopsy visit. It said insurance processed for the 2 claims and I owe $137.24. I logged into their payment portal to pay it and it shows my balance owing is $169.99, a difference of $32.75 but I already sent them $32.75 back in May and they show receiving that. That first claim was a balance of me owing $51.48, so why would I have only paid $32.75? It was too early in the morning for me to figure out, so I'll look at it later. I need to get out my file of medical bills and EOB's and see if I can figure this out. But the weirdest part to me is why does their statement show less than what is online, as owing.

I finished watching Manifest last night. An ok ending. It was a happy ending, but did still leave me a bit feeling like the "why of it all" question wasn't really answered. 191 passengers go through all that for 5 1/2 years (really 10 years) and then end up back to the beginning and life goes on as it was supposed to, other than now only they all know each other and what to expect somewhat of the future. To the rest of the world it didn't happen. It was still a good show, though.

My mom's investment portfolio has 170 shares of Nvidia and that's sure paying off right now, LOL. She's almost tripled her money since her investment guy bought the stock. And hmmm....she has a few thousand more dollars in total as of today, than she had October of 2019, when step brother told me she only had 8-10 years of money left to last. I know I say this all the time, but every time I compare, it makes me just shake my head at his statement.

I sometimes wonder about he and his wife's life. It's literally been the same since they were married, if that makes sense. They were married in their late 20's (so have been married like 40 years now). He's 69 and she's 70. They never had children. Right after getting married they bought a new house in a neighborhood and have lived there ever since. She worked for the same company all the years until she retired. He had a couple of jobs, but his last job he was at quite a few years until he retired. Both had decent white collar jobs, but not in management. They were able to retired at like 62. There has just never been any changes in their lives at all, it seems. They don't do social media. Two of his siblings (my other step siblings) also did not have any children, but they have had changes over the years. One had jobs (or rather his wife did) in different countries over the years. The other has been married twice and when she and her husband retired they moved to a different state. The other one has 2 kids, but he has also seemed to live a similar, non-changing life for the most part. He and his wife have lived in the same house since getting married 25 years ago. My dh and I live a boring life, too, haha, but we have at least made/had some major changes over the course of 40 years. 

Neighbor guy was back today, having some gravel type stuff delivered to fill in his ditch area with the culvert. Dh is just shaking his head. Why would you spend $ to have gravel brought in when he's going to end up with a bunch of dirt and gravel from excavating for his building site? The guy has the equipment to dig some out. It's been interesting, so far, to watch his process and progress....once a week, LOL.


  1. On the other end of it, I lived in the same house for forty years. About thirty years in, maybe less, there were people who were shocked I had gone to school and had gotten three degrees. At other times, I found out people were surprised I worked! I worked for forty years until disability.
    Some of these people drove by my home everyday!!! But, I was home at the hour people thought that a person should be going to work. Maybe the fact you don't see them on social media does not mean things are not happening. They don't have large events like But, it would make me wonder, too.
    The adults with these kids don't tell them to stay out of your drive? And through your gate?
    Do you talk to the stepbrother often? Maybe these people are the type who should send out letters at Christmas.
    I think the construction guy is just doing things to make you all wonder and worry.

    1. No I don't talk to step brother, not since before I moved my mom over here and found out she had given him power of attorney. I did send him an email last month letting him know she's now living in Memory Care and after about a week I did get a short (but nice) email back.

    2. I'm relatively new and I know you have done lots of things on her behalf. You did get power of attorney back, right?

  2. Construction neighbor did not work in construction for his job, so I'm sure you are right that he doesn't know what order and really how it all should be done.

  3. That does sound expensive for the fencing.
    Would your dh consider doing the job himself or with the help of a friend?

    1. Maybe, after he thinks about it for awhile. Everyone he is friends with here is older than him and not able to do that kind of work anymore either. He'd be best to just hire someone who does side jobs, to help with doing it.

  4. You are halfway to the 8 year mark, the horror! LOL. I am glad you found that information about your mom and POA in the nick of time.

    1. I can't imagine what we'd be going through right now if I hadn't found that out! I'm hoping that at some point SB and his wife realized it was a good thing they didn't have to be saddled with taking care of everything for her.

    2. I think they realized it was easier to let you handle it. A shame that they agreed to even do it in the first place when you have always been a present and caring daughter, it is not like they were rescuing her from anyone (except maybe the BF at the time!)

    3. They were "in" on it, because of the boyfriend, I'm pretty sure. When my mom called them we were at her bf's apartment (he was in bed ill at the time) and immediately they called her BF about it. We could hear him on the phone right after my mom hung up. At a minimum, if they felt they were doing this because of my mom starting to show dementia....why not tell me??
