Monday, June 12, 2023

They came early

Mr and Mrs Neighbors son and family arrived late last night - 4 days early. No idea why, LOL. Mr also told dh, the other day, he has no idea how long they are staying. We've made it through day one of their invasion ok - only because while they were outside, until just now, it started pouring down rain and they all had to run inside. 

Dh had been out in our garage at his worktable installing the mulching blades on his lawn tractor, so he had to have the garage door open. All the while the 4 kids just over there screaming their heads off as usual, riding bikes and playing. Then sitting in lawn chairs out front with their parents. The son must think he's hot stuff (he's like 40) as I don't think I've ever seen him with a shirt on when they are here during summer months and so of course the 4 boys have to be like dad. When dh got the mulching blades on he decided he'd give them a try and was mowing some of the front yard, until the rain started dumping. The family all started running to get their chairs and bikes inside the garage. I saw one of the youngest grab his little child sized lawn chair and run with it into the garage and just throw it on the floor into the garage. Now we have rain and thunder that is supposed to be for the rest of the day (again....LOL). We should be safe from having to listen to all of them for the rest of today, at least. Hopefully a few of their days here they will leave for the day for some activities.

All this bad weather seems to have put a stall on the other neighbor being out here working on his property. We haven't seen him since that day he was out here last week (Wed or Thurs, I can't remember now which day it was). But, Saturday was a decent weather day and he didn't come out that day either.

Last night, after I was in bed, dh thought his computer crashed, but then it came back on. I haven't backed it up in awhile and honestly, backing it up to an external hard drive is kind of a pain. Awhile back I got an online backup account through iDrive. It took forever (like 24 hours or so) to back up my computer the first time. I did this like a year ago and I think what I ended up doing was pausing the backup while I was working because it slowed our internet down and I just had it working during the night. If I recall it took several days, that way, to get done. Well, I started dh's this morning before I came up to start working and my connection has been slow all day and our internet speedtest is slower than usual, too. I'm sure it's from backing up dh's computer. If it's not done by tomorrow morning, I'll have to pause it. Once that initial back up is done, then after that it's always been a quick back up on my computer as it just looks for any files new or changed/updated.

It's been pretty much a non eventful day today. Now the work day is done and time to go downstairs and figure out something for dinner. 






1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should just pray for rain to stay sane. I wonder if they ever teach their kids to take care of their belongings. Rain would certainly keep the guy from working on his lots.
