Saturday, June 24, 2023

After the downpour

Hopefully our asphalt sealant survived. Two hours after they got down we had a total downpour of rain that was not in the forecast at all. The guy said it should have had enough time to "flash off" and be ok with the rain, but just will likely take longer than the 24 hours to finish curing to actually drive on it. Let's hope so. They emailed back after we told them about the rain and she said if there are any issues or spots that need to be redone, just send them some pictures and they will come back to fix.

And just a few hours after it got done, Mr&Mrs let their dogs out to run loose, and of course they came to our yard, as dh saw it on our game camera. Obviously purposeful, at this point. They certainly didn't let their dogs out of their kennel right after they had theirs sealcoated.

I'm finally going to make a cheesecake today. I can't wait to eat it, haha. Now that dh realizes it's good, I'll have to share and I have 2 choices of toppings: strawberries or caramel sauce.  

Based on Treaders recommendation I started watching The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. I'm on episode 3 and enjoying it so far. 

I think our property tax assessment came in the mail yesterday, but we didn't go to the mailbox due to the sealcoating. 

I think it's easy to advise "just move" but it's really not as simple as that. We've already moved twice in the past 7 years to get here. To find an equivalent type of home I'd then have to get a new mortgage at whatever ridiculous rate it is at now. Certainly not my 2.5% I have now. DH is finally getting all his shop stuff unpacked! The thought of packing all that up again is a sickening thought. I woke up this morning and thought, if neighbor is unhappy and thinks there's always a fucking catastrophe going on in this neighborhood THEY can move.


  1. Moving does not seem to be a realistic answer. However, your neighbors are rude and clueless, and unfortunately you are having to accept this is part of the cost of living where you live. Being bluntly, brutally honest may help to some degree, but then again, the neighbor's dog is going to run free because her owner is thoughtless. If dog's owner has ever been told directly that SHE is the problem she obviously does not believe it or does not care what other people think about her. The neighbors kids/grandkids can be curtailed from being on your property by firmly telling them, their parents, and their grandparents they are not welcome with their bikes and crap unless invited, and continually reinforcing that message. But if they are riding and walking and using other machinery on a public road, not much to be done.

    I know this is your blog and a safe place to vent your frustration and I do truly sympathize. As I tell my DH all the time, we can be considerate of our neighbors' concerns/desires with regard to our property and lifestyle, or not. But we also have to tolerate their annoying habits as long as they are confining it to their property or public access areas. The greenbelt behind our home is public land; I remind DH constantly that we cannot ask people to not walk their dogs while talking loudly on their cell phones or do whatever annoying (to us) thing they are doing out there. But we do leave a big water bowl out for passing pups and have refilled many an empty water bottle for thirsty runners and walkers on warm days.

    1. All your points are spot on, though our street is not a "public" area. It's a private road that runs through the front of each person's 2 acres. It's an easement so that each neighbor in lots 2-7 can access their property in a reasonable manner. Plus our covenants state no machinery noise or vibration allowed, other than that used for lawn maintenance and plowing snow. While yes, it's annoying to listen to the grandkids screaming, it's on their property and we would never say anything about that. We have tried to be that neighbor, similar to your leaving water...for 3 years dh has plowed all the way down to the end of the road, because he knows the husband has to leave for work in the morning and is then gone all day. We would give both neighbors dogs a treat when the dogs came to our house.

    2. I actually thought about the covenants after I pressed send. Anything in there about thoughtless dog folk? I hate those type of pet owners.

      Also, reading through other comments, the next time the grandkids leave their crap in front of your gate, bring it in and lock it in your shop and DO NOT respond to grandparents texts about it. Some adult or child should have to come to your front door and politely ASK for their stuff back. Maybe that would be a life lesson they might actually retain?

  2. I think even if the neighbours forgot you had done your driveway, they have been so inconsiderate at other times - you really can't tell anymore. It is really frustrating, your house is your sanctuary and made just for you and DH! You can't move, I think you just have to keep it polite and surface and ignore so much of what does occur, as JMB says some of the costs of living there are these unfortunate things, ugh.

    1. They didn't forget we were having/had our portion of the street and our driveway resealed. I let them know a week ahead of time. I also texted them again yesterday morning that they were arriving in 20 minutes. She replied to my text right away, so when she let her dog run loose she knew they were here.

    2. Damn! I can totally see why you are upset :( it's very unfortunate. Meanwhile I took up garbage off our lawn today, because our neighbours are renters.

  3. Neighbors can be such a pita! Everyone out here pretty much just sticks to themselves. I don’t even know most of them since they have all changed since my kids were little. We have some new ones that have been out here for just over a year and they are a nightmare. They have 2 pitbulls they just let run. They were down here constantly harassing my dogs. Being nice didn’t help. Screaming at them didn’t help. Finally one day the dogs went about 3 miles from here and got up near the interstate and someone called animal control and they went to doggy jail. That worked and they are keeping them on their own property-after a year. Personally I wouldn’t be bothered by kids on my road. When my kids were little we had a neighbor who used to let mine ride bikes all through his property. He even helped them build a treehouse on his property one time.when the kids were little all the neighbor kids just ran this 2 mile stretch of houses like it was one big yard. No one cared. The older people made them cookies lol. There aren’t many kids out here now. My pet peeve is other people’s dogs-especially aggressive dogs like my neighbor has. Everyone has their “thing” I guess.


    1. I do agree and if the kids were actually riding their bikes all the way down and all the way back it would be so less annoying. But they literally ride right in front our our place back and forth because we have 2 big gate entrances (one for the shop and one as the main entrance), turning around at each gate, back and forth. And then leave their bikes and helmets laying there in front of our gate, that we have to move to get out, because they ran off to do something else. They have 4 acres to play on and a nice long paved driveway and a good section of the street, plus like 40 state land acres on the other side of them. But it's all right in front of our house. Even the DIL taking a "walk" she walked back and forth between our two gates for a half hour. Why not just walk all the way down the street, turn around and come back and just do that a few times?

    2. I honestly would not mind if they rode their bikes up and down the whole street. Ride down to the last 2 lots, where there is a culdesac to turn around, ride all the way back to their grandparents driveway and turn around and ride back, but they ride just back and forth between our 2 driveways.

  4. We've been in our house for 25 years - last year we had a small dinner party out by our pool. Our back yard neighbor started mowing his lawn at 5 p.m. on a Saturday (he looked right at us - chain link fence in the back only so we know he saw us). After he finished mowing, he weed-whacked and then used the blower...

    Our two boys and their friends made plenty of noise swimming and playing in the yard, so I don't mind hearing their kids (although I feel like their girls are screamers!). Most of the times they're lovely.

  5. The parents told their children not to ride further than your gates. The children did not choose this. It is too bad you cannot put something across the area where they like to stop and leave things. Maybe they would go away. Your husband is handy. Have him put a sprinkler or huge speaker down at the gate. You can talk to them or play music very loud.
    I don't mind kids squealing when having fun. Your crying neighbor children would get tiring very quickly.
    My neighbors with the barking dogs all day have the quietest children I have ever seen! They play and splash in the pool, turn cartwheels and never make a sound that is above a normal talking voice. My children were much louder! But, there were kids all over.
    I think you have gone beyond being hospitable to dogs and kids. Letting the dogs out when you were having sealing done is not only rude, but very aggressive. I would have a talk with them if the sealing has to be repaired from rain, telling them that if the dogs mess it up, you will expect them to pay. Send emails so you have a record. Have photos of dogs on sealant if it happens.

    I don't think you are being unreasonable at all. It is not your job to pick up their bikes when they leave them out. Make it clear to them on email that you like kids and dogs, but parents are the problem, that you are not being mean about kids and dogs.

    Most people who have annoying children are annoying parents or grandparents, annoying when they think others must accommodate their children and dogs because it is too much trouble to be a parent.

    My neighbor two doors down were screamers, or at least one was. Her sisters were annoying her. Her only defense was to scream. That was the way she got her mother to come and protect her. I thought it was funny, but I had a house between us. I have no idea what the other people
    Squealing and screaming in play are so much less annoying than crying all day!
    I am convinced you are not overreacting to all this. However, I would fence the place in and/or put up electric fences.

  6. I like the automatic sprinklers idea when they are in your driveway. The only problem with that is they will stay and play in the water. Unless it's cold outside! LOL
    Suggestion.......Maybe you can tell neighbors if any of their dogs enter in your yard, you will start tying them outside your gate with a bowl of water. Then send the owner a text that their dog is in the front of your house, ready for pickup. Maybe after a few times of having to come get their dog, fingers crossed they will try to keep them in their own yards. Such a hassle!! I'm sorry you are having to deal with this.

  7. Re moving, there's nothing to say you wouldn't move again and have equally unpleasant neighbours is there! And in any case, why should you move??? I'm glad you're enjoying Mrs. Maisel. It's twee but cute. If you're interested in a few other recommendations (and remember, I'm difficult to please!!!!) I loved Dr. Foster (on Amazon I think) and The Serpent had me on the edge of my seat, all the more so because it's a true story!
