Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Looky Loo's

36 degrees this morning.

DH is always looking at Zillow's map and listings to see what goes for sale in our area. As he was looking at it this past weekend he see's one of the for sale "pins" is at our house! When you click on it, it's actually for a house that just went on the market last week that is about 8 miles down the road. Oh yay, now people wanting to drive by to see that house for sale are going to be pulling up to our house and then realizing it's not what the ad/listing looks like, trying to get turned around.

So, Sunday morning some Hummer pulls in, stopping out in front of our place...then trying to get turned around (because no one knows there's a turn around down at the end). DH saw them out his den window, backing up, pulling forward, backing up, trying to get turned around without running into anything. We figured it was someone trying to find that house for sale.

Well, then Monday I get a Facebook message from a local guy. He and his wife own a business in town. We know who they are, have been in their business, but don't know them. He said they had driven out by our house Sunday, because they just love the looks of it, and they will be building a house soon and wanted to ask who our builder was. So, I'm sure it was them who dh saw, LOL. 

I replied that dh designed the house and shop and while we aren't unhappy with the quality of work our general contractor did, we were very unhappy with his time delays and overages (and we didn't add/change anything to cost more money), so when it came to building the house dh basically became our GC and ended up finding most all our own subs. He then asked if I could send him our house plans so they could see the layout., not sending you our houseplans for our custom home, LOL. I just replied that they are more than welcome to come over and see the inside layout of our home and likely dh can share lots of building tips. Then that evening he replied back that they hate to impose, but would love to see the inside layout, so they will be coming over Sunday afternoon for a visit.

I took a fall on Monday. Crash and burn! Our 2 new dressers for the closets delivered and dh was in our foyer area unboxing, leaving the big flat pieces of cardboard on the floor. I came downstairs to help him stepped on top of the cardboard and it slipped and I slipped and also somehow caught my other foot on the edge of it and crashed down on my elbow and hip. And of course twisted my back. I'll live, but bruised and sore. My elbow is really bruised, but oddly doesn't hurt at all to use it. Hip is only sore due to the bruise, but mostly it's my back, which sucks. Always dealing with my back.

DAN has not been out to do any more work on his property since last Friday. At this rate it will be very long time before anything gets built there. Maybe Excavating guy is right - he is just doing a little bit and then going to sell. But that doesn't really make sense to me at all either - why put in a culvert and a driveway to sell it? Someone else would just as likely want to have their driveway in a different spot, depending on where they placed their house. Also, the other interesting thing is these lots were set up in the short plat that lots 5 (he owns 4 and 5) and 6 would share a well. He would also have the option to do a well of his own on lot 4. Of course doing the shared well with lot 6 would save half the cost of digging a 160' well, but then he'd have to work with the lot 6 folks....or I mean he'd have to work with the man of lot 6, LOL. I can't remember now what it cost us to have the well dug and put in. We did it out of pocket back in 2017. I'm thinking it was $10-15,000. Likely costs more now. I also know it's day 631 of their house being on the market. Why in the world won't he reduce the price? He really is nuts. I'm guessing at this point his realtor is just like....whatever....LOL.


  1. "Can I see your floor plan?" That is a new one. But allowing them to come over and visit I think is nice! I hope your bruising and back pain eases up quickly.

    1. I find that actually seeing a home layout vs seeing it drawn flat is so much different. Even when our engineer guy did our blueprints for us, he did up a 3D version of our great room and it made such a difference to envision what it would look like.

  2. Back pain never improves! Ask me how I know. I have had my back pain worsen for over forty years. Of course, falling does not help! Ask me how I know about worsening back pain.
    At first, I was wondering if DAN had somehow had your house listed to be a nuisance.
    I would think that he would ask to see the house and then ask about the floor plans afterwards.

    1. you are correct - back pain never improves. I'm on year 16 of it. Ugh. Apparently it's the realtors who add the pin on the map and obviously this one was really lost! I told dh maybe they wanted to ask to see the house but were too shy, so thought asking for the floor plan was better. Either that or he is smart and thought he'll save himself thousands and thousands by using ours!

    2. Copyright the floor plan. Then, sell it to him.

  3. But, but, but, what if plot six is owned by a single woman???? He'll likely end up in the psychiatric hospital! And I think it's very kind of you to allow that guy to take a look around your home, but agree that you shouldn't give him your floor plans!

    1. LOL - you totally just reminded me who owned our lot before we bought it....a lesbian couple! HAHAHAHA! He would have had a seizure.
