Monday, June 5, 2023

It's Monday

DD had to put their dog down yesterday. So sad. He was only 9 years old and no clue why he suddenly got sick. They were the 3rd pawrents to this pooch. The first people had kids or something and weren't treating him right. The second owner was an older lady with another dog and he didn't get along with. One of the two previous owners (1st, I think) was using his feeding/food as a punishment. He was a hard dog to love at first, but dd and sil never gave up on him and gave him a good 4 years with love and patience.

I'm back to work this morning. Working my way through a week's worth of emails. I'm up to Wednesday morning, so far. And just realized my boss is off all this week. I did not know that. She never tells me, LOL. She also rarely takes that much time off at once, so I'm glad to see that she did. It should be a little quieter week for me, then, haha.

Still no real clue why the guy with the lots next door needed a sanican delivered a week and a half ago. No one has been there to work on his property. Who knows...

Contractors are still the worst! Even worse then when we were needing to use a lot of them for our house build. The guy that did our fence? Dh has been trying to get him back here for a small job since LAST summer. Then a week or so ago our UPS guy said he has a local cousin who does fencing, call him. So, dh called him. Finally the guy texted back and then never came out. Then texted again and never came out. Then he texted dh this morning that he'd like to come this afternoon (this is just to find out what dh needs done/quote us) so dh called him right back. No answer. Dh then texted him to please call him so he can tell him about our access (due to the neighbors resealing the first part of our street) to get in here. No reply. And now we haven't heard back from the guy we did hire to do our no clue still when he plans to do it. Granted, until today, the weather hasn't been good enough and of course he can't do it today or tomorrow (due to the other company doing neighbors), plus it's supposed to rain again starting on Wednesday for 6 days....Obviously the guy would be watching the weather report, but dh is also the type that just won't call him (like I would!) and say hey, just wondering when you tentatively think you'll be out now?

So between that and all the other little things going on dh has become a ball of stress. He stressing out about things that aren't even happening, and likely won't happen. Which of course doesn't help his health and how he feels on a daily basis. 

Yesterday I got the 2 wine barrels stained. We used one of them at the corner of the shop for the rain downspout to go into. The other one we covered up our well casing and then dh attached our old antique water pump to the top. We still need to do something to make our water spigot white pipe look nicer, too. I'll probably just try painting it like a tan or gray color.

I don't know much else new, right now.




  1. Contractors really are the worst! We had a similar experience with fencing contractors recently. Couldn’t get anyone to give us a bid for insurance - drunk driver plowed through the fence and landed upside down in our yard. We were able to settle with the guy’s insurance based on numbers Dh and the adjuster came up with, and Dh ended up doing the fence himself. Saved a ton of money, but he had never done anything but privacy fences, so it was a slow job. He figured if he couldn’t get anyone to even bid it, he’d never get anyone out here to actually do it. At least we ended up with several thousand dollars after we bought materials I guess.


    1. The guy finally did show up around 5:30 yesterday, now who knows how long we'll wait for a quote

  2. I am sorry for the grandpup. The contractor who re-did my bathroom, kitchen and last year's painting is (was) an awesome guy. He does a great job so, I recommended him to a friend who needed some major work at her apartment. She told me that he told her, he would go and work on an estimate. Then, he never showed up or reach out to her that he would not be available or with any other excuse. My friend employed a different contractor. I am never recommending him to anyone.

    1. I hate recommending someone and then they don't do a good job or flake out

  3. Contractors don't care unless they need the $$$!
    .I'm sorry about your DD's pup. I know they will miss him. :*(

    1. My dh was saying the exact same thing right before the fence guy called.

  4. I had a thought on your spigot. Get some heavy rope and strong glue, and start wrapping it around glueing as you go. I think it would make it look rustic. Love how you decorate. Kris.

    1. I really like that idea! I'm going to suggest it to dh. We used some heavy rope as the "hand rail" for the little bridge he made

  5. I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter's puppy! I guess sometimes there is now rhyme or reason but I know he had a good life with her and sil!
