Thursday, June 29, 2023

Thunder and fireworks

At 7pm last night I get a text to me and the other neighbor that Mr&Mrs and the gang are going to be doing leftover fireworks when it gets dark. As almost every year, they do 4th of July in June or whenever they want. I did not respond. They are going to do whatever they want, anyway. They need no acknowledgement from me. It does not get dark here now until like 10:15pm. So, do I go to bed at my normal 9:15-9:30 and hope I fall asleep enough to not hear it for an hour or just stay up until it's done? Shortly after she texted there was a bit of thunder and wind. Might have even rained a bit. I decided to go to bed at my normal time and hope I slept through it. I also hoped that the reason they were doing it last night, instead of next Tuesday is because the family has decided they aren't spending the next week and a half here, as originally planned. Why else would they do fireworks last night, instead of on the 4th if they were still going to be here? We never did hear any fireworks, so I'm guessing the weather took care of that plan. I'm sure it'll be back on for tonight, if they are still here. Of course they can't do it on a Friday or Saturday night when none of the rest of us have to be up early for work the next morning. Of course that is going to happen with the 4th being on a weekday, but you expect to have to deal with that for one day, not two.

Part of the reason I wasn't to thrilled at the thought of listening to fireworks last night is my 2 day dull headache had turned into a full blown sinus headache. Almost every tooth in my mouth hurts as well as my cheek bones. I usually have some sinus OTC meds on hand, but I am apparently out. I looked and looked. It was hard trying to sleep last night and still going on this morning. Tylenol or advil doesn't help a bit when I have a sinus headache. Dh said he needs to run into town today to get gas for the lawnmowers, so I'll probably go with him to stop at the pharmacy and pick some up. It usually helps quite a bit, though usually my week of sinus issues is like in late Jan/early Feb.

Our retired friend stopped by yesterday afternoon for a quick visit.....on is way home from picking up his new 8 week old black lab puppy, LOL. She'll be a good dog though, as like his old lab he has, she will pretty much go everywhere with him. She's a cutie, but after he left both dh and I said we still have no desire for a puppy, so at this point we are still going to be dogless. $900 bucks for a puppy. About a month or so ago he had picked up a puppy that his daughter bought (small type dog) and took care of shipping it up to her in Alaska, so he had it overnight for a night or two. I think he got puppy fever, haha.

I had earned that $325 from opening a Wells Fargo checking about 6 months ago. To not have service charges I have left $500 in the account, but need to get it closed out. When I looked into closing it a few months ago it said you had to call or do in person, nothing available online to close it. At the time I just left it there to be part of my savings for paying my propane bill this summer. That should be getting filled soon, so I want to close it. There is a branch near where my mom lives so I'll try to stop in there on Monday and close it. Knowing me, I'll procrastinate and not take the time to do it. It would probably just be easier for me to transfer the money over to my other account and then call and cancel. But, if I do that I am going to wait and take it out AFTER my next monthly statement. I see the statements run the 7th of each month (assumed it would be the end of the month) so if I wait and transfer it out on the 8th of July and then get into procrastination mode, I'll have 30 days to get it done, LOL.

A little more comment on DAN's house still for sale: after almost 2 years the zillow listing shows 404 views and 8 saves (one is me, one is probably dh, LOL). For comparison there is a nice home that just went for sale in our area. It's been on the market a little over 2 weeks and has 1183 views and 123 saves.

I just found some sinus meds in my drawer, so hopefully that helps today.


  1. I'm dying to know what town DAN's house is listed in.

    1. send me an email at

  2. Would you be willing to share the zillow link to his house or is that too close for comfort?

    1. I was thinking about sharing it, but after looking at the zillow listing closer, I can see there is a link to his property taxes with their names, so even though he's a jerk, I would not want to violate his privacy.

  3. I get frantic when I cannot find my sinus meds!
