Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Gates, fences and screams

I made it through my first day back to work. As usual, it took me half of the day or more to just get through all my emails. My boss did do some of the work for me, which was nice. Apparently my assistant kid is on summer break and going to work full time and also work at the office most of the time. He did get a lot done last week, too.

Last week I discovered some good news. Our state passed some bills signed by the governor regarding our income tax and property tax. Starting 2024 our income tax rate will go down 1%. There is also a surplus in their funds and in July I should get a tax rebate of about $1500. Then in August I can apply for a $500 property tax rebate and then another $500 rebate in August 2024. I'll take those rebates.

The fence guy did finally show up around 5:30 yesterday. He said he can do it in a couple weeks and is supposed to email us a quote. Dh is having him quote 2 separate jobs. For sure he wants the 2 little walk through gates on each side of our gate piers. The other is a maybe...extend our fence all the way to the river bank edge on the side of our eventual new neighbor. We had stopped the fence about where the back of the house is, as then the land slopes down to the edge of the bank. Where we had stopped it just had seemed kind of a natural break point, but now with this guy being such a jerk, it's probably best to just have it go all the way. Our fence isn't really a keep in or out (like for animals) type of fence since we only did the front and sides and not across the back, where our river view is. I did not want to look through the wire fence at the river. It's not too much more to extend the fence line on that side the rest of the way. Maybe 50 feet. On the side with Mr and Mrs Neighbor we did go all the way to the river bank edge because the slope isn't as steep (and helped keep their dogs over there...somewhat, LOL, they know they can go down to the last post and come around, haha). And we put in a little gate between us, which be both use to go to each other's houses. No gate needed on the other side, ha! Or dh said, maybe he will put a gate in...with a lock on it!

Mr and Mrs Neighbor have one of their daughters (I think they have 2...but neither come very often) and her partner visiting for a week. At least they are quiet...or at least I thought so! I was sitting here at my desk, upstairs, window closed, this part of the house is as far as you can get from their place and I hear this scream. I'm like it sounded like either a woman or a child's scream. My first thought was it was someone down on the river, but I didn't see anything. I decided I'd better go make sure and dh was out in front of the shop washing the truck, so I asked him and he said ya, it came from neighbors, they were all outside and he's not sure what it was about. I said ok, I just was making sure no one was hurt or something out here. 

The cat caught a snake the other day. Ewww! 


  1. I heard about the tax rebates a month ago or so. We will be getting $2500 back-nice little windfall, but we still paid thousands lol. Have you heard when we get the property tax rebate? I’m thinking I heard November or December, but I really don’t remember.


    1. I read we can apply for the property tax rebate starting in August, but not sure how long of wait it is. It figures that the income tax rebate is on the year we had less taxes owed, LOL. That was the year I had all of dh's huge medical bills, so I was able to reduce our tax bite that year, so we will only get back like $1550 instead of the $2500 max

  2. Yeah I think the period to apply is august-October, so it’s probably after that they will do payments.
    We have basically nothing to deduct so we get hit hard for taxes. No kids and no mortgage. Of course when we had kids and a mortgage we had no money so it’s a trade off I guess lol.

    1. it is a trade off, for sure. At least starting 2024 the tax rate goes down a bit, which will help some

  3. Screamers and criers seem to run in that family. I suppose you can use the extra money to fund the Alaska cruise. Is it legal to fence to the river? Can you put an electric fence to stop the dogs and preserve the view?

    1. they are just a loud family, LOL. It is legal to have our fence (if it wasn't we wouldn't have it). We own down the embankment all the way to the high water mark. No need to go down that steep slope, but would be nice to continue it along that side of our backyard to the edge of the bank. We could put up an electric fence but their dogs are rarely let run loose out of their big kennel run, and if they do they just pass through and end up a mile down the road, LOL.

  4. My garden is open at the back too - which works out fine as I get along with my neighbours (except for the crapping dogs), but I think you might want to reconsider the new guy moving in and install anti-tank guns too - just in case!
