Tuesday, June 27, 2023

The Pretender

There isn't a lot to do now with my side job, but a little bit of bookkeeping. Well, at the end of the week before last, I went to log in to work on it and the subscription for the accounting software expired and I guess it didn't auto renew due to them not having that business credit card anymore. I thought side job boss was taking care of it. Then last Monday I fell and was sore and achy for several days so I didn't try to work on their stuff again until Friday. Side job boss had sent me an email Thursday afternoon with some info I'd need for recording some checks and so I assumed that meant she took care of reactivating the account. I log in Friday evening and nope. Still not active, so I sent her an email about it.

She said she kept trying but could not get logged in and then forgot about it last week. I knew she did not want to deal with it (she's in I don't give a shit mode now, and I don't blame her), so I told her I'd work on it yesterday afternoon. I ended up in a chat online with customer service pretending to be her (she knew this) and they let me give them a cc# and reactivated it. All in all I ended up spending like an hour on it. Still can't get her logged in to manage the account, LOL, but at least the program is working again now. She said "it ain't easy being me" LOL.

I'm tired this morning. Trying to get payroll processed, but on hold waiting for my boss to figure out what an hourly employee is doing for pay with several days taken off.  It's only 10:30 and I'm just ready to be done with the day. I've also kind of had a bit of a headache the past 2 days, which isn't helping matters any. Well, back to trying to work on payroll. Apparently this is going to take up a good portion of my day.



  1. I hope your headache has subsided & your day was not too bad.
    Sleep is near:)

  2. I hope your headache goes away soon, at least by now. I never have headaches, so I cannot imagine a two-day headache, even a bit of one. Maybe your boss can get into her own programs soon. She sounds easygoing.
